Easter Card Competition
Last week some of the children throughout school got busy to help school enter an Easter competition that Chorley police station is running to win lots of Easter eggs.
The children got very creative making cards with Easter egg prints, finger print Chicks, hand print Chicks and sheep. The…
Rowan class learns about road safety
This week in Rowan class we have been learning about road safety. We have not been able to do any community visits this year so far but we have been practicing our road safety skills in Rowan.
We learnt about Super Cats road safety rap...
"Super Cat's here, so say 'meow'!
Want to cross…

Rowan class all back together
Rowan have had another busy week!
We have really enjoyed having all our friends back in Rowan class this week.
On Monday we started our new story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and we have been working on our sentences using colourful semantics and writing some super sentences and also sequencing…

Rowan Class World Book Day
Rowan have had another busy week! As well as celebrating World Book Day on Thurs and having lots of fun......
We have done some super maths learning again all about money and the children are working very hard to learn new skills with money
We have been talking about strangers this week too…

Different Families, Same Love in Rowan
This week in Rowan class we have been celebrating ‘Different Families, Same Love’.
We listened to a story ‘The Family Book’ and learnt about different families. We talked about who lives in our houses and what we love about them.
On Tuesday Mrs Carney did an Attention Autism session and we…

Different Families, Same Love - An Information Blog for Parents
Different Families, Same Love
LGBT+ History Month is celebrated in February in the UK. This week, Astley Park School is proud to celebrate LGBT History Month through exploring different family types.
- All learners will be working towards our weekly six star challenge in which all…

A busy week in Rowan Class
This week Rowan class have been very busy in school and at home!
We have been looking at Internet safety, discussing how to stay safe on the internet. We looked at asking an adult for help and checking with an adult before going on any new sites, we discussed what information you should…

100 laps for Captain Sir Tom Moore
Over the next week pupils and staff at Astley Park will be attempting to walk a total of 100 laps of the school track or if learning from home around their local area or gardens in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore who became the nation’s hero last spring after raising more than £32m for the NHS…

Rowan class - Spring week 5
What a busy week we have had this week!
This week in school we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills in PE. In ‘The World about Me’ we have been looking at plants and how they grow. We planted some seeds and made predictions about what we think will happen. In ‘My Thinking and…
It's a baby!
This week Rowan class say a very big thank-you and goodbye to Miss Connolly, as she heads off on her maternity leave.
Miss Connolly will be missed by all in Rowan class, we wish her all the best and we cannot wait to hear when the little one arrives.
Please send us some…

World Religion Week - 6 Star Challenge
We hope everybody has had lots of fun learning about their class religion in our World Religion Week activities.
This week we have had lots of photos and videos shared with us of everybody at Astley Park completing our very special World Religion Week Six Star Challenge. Your teachers and…

World Religion Week in Rowan Class
This week in Rowan class we have been celebrating World Religion week, Our chosen religion was 'Hinduism' so we focussed our learning on the 'Holi Festival', the festival of colour. We learnt all about Holi, Rowan class decided to make their own Holi tree, we made the trunk of the Holi tree and…