11 Nov

Remembrance Day 2022

This week classes have been invited to join in Remembrance Day traditions throughout school.

Each teacher has planned meaningful and engaging activities surrounding the theme of ‘War’ and ‘Remembrance’.

Learners have been exposed to different learning focuses and learning new facts through a…

11 Nov

Rowan Class Remembers

For Remembrance Day in Rowan Class we made a wreath with our own poppies, some of us joined the whole school for a minutes silence and in class we threw poppies in the air and listened to The Last Post.

Miss Potter from Rowan Class has been the star of Private Peaceful, at Chorley Little…

11 Nov

The Italian Blog

For our topic - Around the World - this week Rowan Class have been learning about Italy.

We have followed instructions to make pizzas, used fantastic communication to ask for ingredients and even made a giant pizza during What's in the Box.

We have enjoyed exploring our role play area which…

4 Nov

Welcome Back Rowan Class!

It was lovely to be back together in Rowan Class this week.

We have started the term working very hard - reading, pencil control practice, number songs and interactive games, printing fireworks and making firework biscuits!

We have enjoyed lots of lovely interactions both indoors and…

27 Oct

October Holiday Heroes - group 2

We’ve had an action packed week in our Holiday club this week. There was a trip to Brew and Buddies play centre on Tuesday and a session at Space Sensory rooms on Thursday. We also had lots of fun playing outside on the playground as well as using the balance bikes, wobble boards, scooters and…

20 Oct

Rowan Class Show Racism the Red Card!

Rowan Class have joined in with lots of activities today to Show Racism the Red Card.

We looked at how we are all different, explored different dressing up clothes and used playdough to explore different faces.

We looked at ourselves in the mirror, seeing what colour our hair and eyes are,…

20 Oct

Autumn in Rowan Class

Rowan Class enjoyed their final week of this half term by continuing to explore Autumn. 

We made some lovely cupcakes in cooking, used some great describing words to describe leaves, and did some leaf rubbing. We continue to have lots of fun swimming and showed some fantastic skills in…

14 Oct

Autumn fun in Rowan Class

We have been exploring Autumn in Rowan Class this week.

Following instructions to make hedgehog bread and making hedehogs from leaves we had found outside.

We sorted leaves by colour and matched Autumn pictures and interacted brilliantly with a Sensory Story, We're Going on a Leaf Hunt. The…

12 Oct

Our First 'Chill and Chat' Session

Our first 'Chill and Chat' session took place yesterday. It was lovely for parents/carers to have the opportunity to chat together over a cup of coffee and slice of cake.


Our next get together will take place on 6th December at 1:00pm. Further details to follow.


Hope to see you all…

7 Oct

Rowan Class explore feelings

Rowan Class have enjoyed exploring different feelings this week. We matched, copied and sang about different feelings. We enjoyed the Colour Monster sensory story and made happy fruit pancakes.

For our topic, Around the World, we have been learning about the book, 'Handa's Surprise'. We used…

30 Sep

Week 4 in Rowan Class

We have had another lovely week learning about the Jungle in Rowan Class.

We enjoyed a ssssssssuper snake What's in the Box and made our very own snakes, using brilliant communication to request different parts.

In cooking we have made angel delight with banana - working hard on our chopping…

23 Sep

Week Three in Rowan Class

Our third week in class has been very busy! 

We continue to use lots of fantastic communication, both in learning activities and during social times.

We have had lots of fun on the scooters and body boards, and in cooking we made some lovely crispie cakes.

Our attention continued to grow…