19 Nov

Sycamore Class - One Kind Word

This week at Astley Park has been friendship week, Sycamore Class have all been working hard this week and have been discussing kind words, writing an A-Z of kinds words then using them to support and compliment each other. 

We fully enjoyed making a friendship tree, using paint to print our…

11 Nov

Get busy with Sycamore

Sycamore have been very busy since coming back from half term. We fully enjoyed a visit from Victoria Hough a professional artist who came into school to help us create a fantastic piece of art that will be displayed in the main corridor for everyone to admire. This piece will reflect our school's…

8 Oct


We have had a busy busy week in Sycamore class. We have done lots of super learning and lots of team games together!

We are so lucky and are having a brand new play ground built at school, so everyday we have been going down to the playground to check on the progress and have a look at the…

30 Sep

Relax and regulate with Sycamore!

We have had a lovely afternoon in Sycamore Class!

After working really hard in communication and maths this morning, we had a relaxing session where we focussed on our breathing and enjoyed calming breathing activities. Which everyone was amazing at! We then played some drama games, we…

24 Sep

Week 3 in Sycamore Class

Happy Friday everyone!

We have had an extremely busy week this week in Sycamore class! 

On Monday it was Sean’s birthday and him and his family kindly treated the whole class to McDonald’s for lunch, it was the best way to get through a Monday! We all sang Happy Birthday at the end of…

17 Sep

Sycamore - Week 2

Happy Friday everyone!

We have had a super busy week in Sycamore Class! We have done some silly science, lots of signalong and  lots of terrific work! 

We have made acrostic poems of our names and thought of some kind adjectives to describe ourselves and Sycamore class. We also made…

13 Sep

Welcome to Sycamore Class!

Hello Everyone!

Last week was our first week in Sycamore Class! We have all had an amazing week, it has been so lovely to see all of our friends again after a wonderful summer break. We have done lots of different activities to get to know our new classmates and our new teachers! 


15 Jul

Sycamore is out for summer!

Our last week has been a lovely week, we have been busy getting ready for our new classes by preparing ‘All About Me’ pieces, we have included our favourite colour, our interest, our family, favourite foods, where we live, our hobbies all ready for our new teachers. 


We have had some party…

8 Jul

Sycamore share ‘The Snail and The Whale’


Sycamore have had a wonderful afternoon sharing their learning from the summer term and would like to thank the family members who were able to join us today for our Sharing our Learning event. 


We shared a video of all our hard work on the story of ‘The Snail and The Whale’ and…

8 Jul

Sycamore are hoping for a win!

This week we have been very busy in Sycamore class, we have all be focussing on our own personal targets whilst looking at our progression over the year and all of our achievements. We have looked at our writing, our Colourful Semantics and using a task schedules to be in charge of our own…

2 Jul

It’s a “SQUAWK” from Sycamore

This week we have been reflecting on the skills we have learnt over the year. We have looked at our progression and our achievements. We have each had our own challenges this week working on our targets. What a brilliant year Sycamore your teachers are very proud of everyone! 


We have…

25 Jun

Sycamore score top points in Sports Week!

In Sycamore this week we have scored goals, scored tries, collected stamps whilst orienteering, danced, ran, walked, used the different equipment and most importantly we have had so much fun! 


We have worked on our skills, learnt new skills, designed our sports weeks rules together and…