12 Feb

9G Celebrate Valentines Day and Chinese New Year!

We did it 9G! We made it through the half term! Let's see what we have been up to this week!

Learners in School

The learners in school have been finishing lots of bits off including their Maths work, mainly working on number - addition and subtraction and amounts! 9G have also been…

12 Feb

11R Online Safety

This week in 11R we have been busy learning all about online safety. 

Safer Internet Day was on Tuesday 9th February. Together we watched the BBC live lesson in class, and our friends at home joined in the fun by watching it too. We talked about making the right choices online and the dangers…

5 Feb

Rowan class - Spring week 5

What a busy week we have had this week!

This week in school we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills in PE. In ‘The World about Me’ we have been looking at plants and how they grow. We planted some seeds and made predictions about what we think will happen. In ‘My Thinking and…

29 Jan

Willow class go wild!

This week Willow class have loved looking at more animals.. wild ones this time! We have enjoyed learning about all different animals that we might find in a zoo then finding out important facts like what habitats the zoos need to build for them and how they survive. We practiced our spellings,…

29 Jan

Spring Term Week 4 in 7A

Hi all,

We’ve had another fun filled week in 7A this week.


We started the week with Mrs Fisher and our maths lesson, we all started the lesson by playing a game of bingo using numbers to 15 all the children chose 3 numbers they wanted and wrote them on a white board before playing…

29 Jan

Oak Get Messy!

Oak Class have been very busy and very messy this week! Thank you to all of the parents for sending spare clothes in, please continue to send those in so we can carry on having the fun that we've had this week! 


Isla and Harvey have been exploring animals in the edible mud that Miss…

29 Jan

11R - Clean up the environment

As part of our ASDAN work we have been talking about ways in which we can improve the environment. We decided that it would be a great idea to clean up the wooded area at school. The class discussed what they would like to do with the area and came up with some amazing ideas such as planting…

22 Jan

9G Learning at Home and World Religion Week - Week 2

It has been another busy week for everyone in 9G this week both at home and at school! Let's take a look!

Learners in School

We have been so busy doing lots of work around our topic Let's go the movies, and learning about Buddhism as part of World Religion week. 

We have been focusing on…

22 Jan

World Religion Week- let’s learn about Judaism!

Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Judaism. Joseph in Willow class helped Miss Riley to create this blog by reminding of key words and choosing which pictures to add. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.

What is Judaism?

Judaism is a…

22 Jan

9R Research Buddhism for World Religion Week


We watched a PowerPoint about Siddhartha Gautama who lived in a palace but chose to leave and see what was outside the walls. He sat under a tree and thought about things - he became known as Buddha. We all used book creator to make a fact book about Buddhism and then used what we found to…

22 Jan

Oak Explore Holi, The Festival of Colour

In Oak Class we have really enjoyed celebrating World Religion Week with our friends at home. Miss Curry read us all the story of the Holi festival on our Teams call this week and Isla, Harvey and Toby used some really colourful powder paint to spell out the word Holi using a sieve. It was really…

22 Jan

9R Tanks, Trenches and TEAMs

Another busy, busy week in 9R, we’ve had lots of fun and learnt lots of new things. We’ve listened to a story called One Boy’s War read by Mrs Cobham, a true story about a young boy called Sydney who went to war and never returned. The story is on the school you tube channel for you to watch. We…