21 Jan

World Religion Week- lets learn about Buddhism!

Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Buddhism. This blog has been researched and written by Sonny in Willow class. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.- Miss Riley, Willow Class


What is Buddhism?

Buddhism started in India over 2,500…

21 Jan

World Religion Week in Rowan Class

This week in Rowan class we have been celebrating World Religion week, Our chosen religion was 'Hinduism' so we focussed our learning on the 'Holi Festival', the festival of colour. We learnt all about Holi, Rowan class decided to make their own Holi tree, we made the trunk of the Holi tree and…

19 Jan

World Religion week- let’s learn about Hinduism!

Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Hinduism. This blog has been researched and written by Grace in Willow class. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.- Miss Riley, Willow Class


What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is a religion practiced by…

18 Jan

World Religion Week- let’s learn about Islam!

Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Islam. This blog has been researched and written by Hasan in Willow class. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.- Miss Riley, Willow Class


What is Islam?

Islam is a religion practiced by Muslims.

14 Jan

Lockdown wont stop 8G!


Well, we may not all be in class together but 8G used the power of technology to have a ‘live lesson’ today.  Ty, Reece, Clayton and Katie were joined virtually by Eshan, Josh and Harry to undertake a baking lesson with Mrs Mahood and her culinary understudy Mr Massey. We challenged all the…

17 Dec

Christmas is coming in Rowan Class!

Our last week in Rowan class before Christmas and we have been doing lots of Christmas activities!


Bingo! Rowan class loved Christmas bingo on Tuesday. 


On Wednesday we had our breakfast with Santa. It was so exciting wearing our pyjamas, seeing Santa and receiving our presents…

11 Dec

Rowan - Christmas Fun

This week in Rowan class we have been doing lots of Christmas activities. 

On Wednesday we had our Christmas dinner cooked by the wonderful staff in the kitchen at school which was delicious. 

Thursday we learnt about Hanukkah and created our own Star of David and Menorah. In the afternoon…

2 Dec

8G learn the charitable Islamic philosophy of Sadaqah.

Today the class had a religious themed lesson in our ‘The World About Me’ session as part of our Autumn term religious focus. We looked at the Islamic charitable philosophy of Sadaqah. 


This means being charitable and helping those in need. We had a whole class discussion about what…

27 Nov

Under the sea!

This week Rowan class have been learning about sea animals and all things sea related! Our fairy tale story this half term is The Little Mermaid, so our work for the next few weeks will be sea themed. 

For My Creativity we had to rescue different plastic animals from the ice. We had to choose…

27 Nov

It’s nearly the festive season in 8G

Hello to all the 8G followers, 

I hope we find you safe and well. This week we have been looking at the American celebration of Thanksgiving. The pupils learned that this is the start of the festive season and started in 1620 to mark the first year of the Pilgrims arrival. The pupils did a…

27 Nov

Oak look at Hansel and Gretel

This week Oak Class have moved away from Little Mermaid and have moved to looking at Hansel and Gretel. This week:

  • In My Communication we have explored a new sensory story, exploring the props to help our understanding. We have practiced our reading and writing skills through colourful…
27 Nov

9G are Super Stars!

9G have had another busy week this week. 

We have taken part in lots of learning activities, including sight reading and sounds write, practicing our number skills and developing our turn taking skills. We have also been working on listening and speaking to our peers during lego therapy in…