4 Feb

Willow heads to the park

Today Willow Class navigated their way to Devonshire Recreational Ground Park practicing using directional language and spotting any features of towns which we had learnt about in our Understanding of the World lessons. Willow Class staff were very impressed with the children’s road safety skills…

26 Jan

Growing our own plants in Willow class

This term Willow class is learning all about plants in our science lessons.

In week three we looked at what plants need in order to grow best and to stay healthy. We discussed how plants need the right conditions, water and nutrients just like us. To test how plants grow, we have planted three…

20 Dec

Breakfast with Santa for Willow Class

Willow class loved having breakfast all together in the hall today! We ate lots of yummy foods and loved being in our pyjamas all day! 

When we went back to class we had a magical surprise visitor... Father Christmas! He delivered a special gift to everyone because we had been so good all year,…