27 Oct

Holiday Heroes Group 3 October Half Term

Another successful holiday heroes sessions this week. On Thursday Group 3 were lucky enough to go to the cinema to see Lyle Lyle Crocodile. We had a great time, and some of us laughed and some of us cried at the movie. Lots of us enjoyed dancing away in our seats to the music. We all decided it…

12 Aug

Holiday Hero’s Group 3 Week 3

This week we’ve had some lovely weather and made the most of it by spending lots of time outside. On Tuesday, Mrs Mahood drove us all the way to Skelmersdale where we had a great time in the pool with lots of lily pads and noodles. We were all really hungry after swimming so some of us enjoyed a…

18 Jun

Working hard whilst Miss Brophy was away working hard.

This week Miss Brophy was away on a course so she left us lots of exciting work to do and Mr Murphy was lucky enough to spend a few days in our class to help us out. We researched facts about our Harry Potter house teams to use in our persuasive writing.  We found out some really interesting facts…

21 Jan

Miss O’Connell turns the big 50!!!

Today Miss O’Connell celebrated a very special birthday. She has reached a milestone birthday of half a century and received lots of gifts to help her celebrate her 50th birthday. She told us she had the best day ever in our 8R bubble and enjoyed some cake at the end of the day. I’m sure you will…

20 Nov

8R Busy, busy week.

What a busy fun filled week we have had again in 8R. We have been on a few different fact finding missions. At the beginning of the week Miss Brophy set us the challenge of finding out what a continent was and then see if we could name them. We worked well using our iPads to name the seven…

13 Nov

8R Remembrance Week.

This week 8R having been learning all about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We made our own acrostic poems about this subject and discovered that we have some budding poets in our class. We made some lovely poppies wreaths along with some great silhouette soldier paintings. On Wednesday we…

6 Nov

8R Bonfire Week

In class this week as well as doing our usual class work we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. Miss Brophy organised some fun activities which included making some chocolate apples, making some special cake called Parkin and creating some lovely art work. We weighed all the ingredients out and…

23 Oct

It’s Half Term and Halloween, Hurrah!

It’s been a busy half term and we’ve ended on a high with a fantastic Halloween Celebration. Lots of the pupils and staff joined in by dressing up and when greeting the pupils from the buses this morning it was a challenge to know who was who! 

The morning started off with a beautiful rainbow…

14 Oct

8R Be Internet Legends Assembly.

Today In school we were extremely lucky to be involved in a personalised assembly about internet safety delivered by Google Chrome. At 9 30 am we logged into a live assembly and were able to interact answering questions via a chat facility that Mr Murphy accessed for us. We listened to the…

9 Oct

Week 5 in 8R and Miss Brophy’s Birthday.

What another fun week we’ve had in 8R. We have been very busy working on keeping fit and and being healthy. We played a great game of keep fit bingo. Check out the photographs and look at how good our planking is. We have made some great healthy fruit kebabs, then wrote out the instructions to…

2 Oct

Macmillan Coffee Morning 8R

Today we have been raising money in school  for Macmillan Cancer Research by holding a virtual coffee morning. 8R have been busy making cakes for themselves to enjoy today and we held a Teams Quiz which some parents were able to join in via Teams Video Call. The quiz was made by the pupils who…

18 Sep

8R Bubble A 18th September

It's Friday again, and we have had another busy 2 days in our 8R bubble A. We have held a class scavenger hunt and had to find items to fit the description Miss Brophy gave us. We all had to move around the classroom and show the teachers what we had found. We also made word searches for our…