25 May

11G Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week 11G practiced for their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition at Borwick Hall. We were met by Alex and Sarah who would be helping us throughout our expedition. When we arrived at Borwick hall we had to make our own lunch, Mrs Tolan had bought different fillings for our…

19 May

11G complete their amazing Triathlon

This afternoon the pupils have complete their Triathlon for Rosemere cancer foundation. We visited All Seasons gym and the pupils went on the different pieces of equipment, treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine and the bikes to make up their kilometres. 

Everyone was amazing and took it in…

18 May

11G Continue their Triathlon

On Thursday afternoon 11G went to Astley Park to take part in their 30k walk in  aid of Rosemere Cancer Foundation. 

Some of the pupils walked around the perimeter of the park, meeting up halfway round at the cafe. While the others walked up to the cafe and back to the entrance. 

We all…

16 May

11G Rosemere fundraisers- Triathlon- Swimming

11G are raising funds for Rosemere Cancer Foundation. We have decided to complete a triathlon, swimming - 4000m, walking - 30 km and cycling at the gym. 
On Tuesday the pupils went to All Seasons swimming pool. They managed to swim  a total of 162 lengths between them. What an achievement!!!!

5 May

Happy 16th Birthday Thomas

On Friday in 11G the pupils celebrated Thomas’ 16th birthday at Escape Entertainment in Chorley.

We all travelled in style on the new 9 seater minibus. 

The pupils had pre-ordered their lunch. Some of them had pizza, which looked yummy! Others chose cheeseburger and pasta. They all enjoyed…

31 Mar

Happy Easter 11G

What a busy term 11G have had!!!  We’ve had lots of visits to help promote our independent skills, we’ve learnt some new skills at the gym and swimming. 

We’ve had a chilled week this week making Easter cards for our families.  On Friday morning after our favourite breakfast, bacon butties, we…

24 Mar

11G Spring 2, week 5

11G have been busy finishing off their ASDAN work this week and tying up any loose ends. They have all worked extremely hard and we are so proud of them.


On Monday as always we caught up on weekend news, all the pupils had a busy weekend. Everyone was able to tell their friends what they…

17 Mar

11G Week 4 and Red Nose Day

This week 11G have been busy finishing their ASDAN work. 

On Monday in maths they looked at measuring and the different ways to measure liquids and solids. 

The class watched the start of The BFG as this is the book they will be looking at this half term. We made some frobscottle, the BFG’s…

3 Mar

Week 2 Spring 2 11G

On Monday 11G did some data collection on the staff car park. They looked at the different types of  cars and counted and recorded each type. 

On Tuesday we went on the school mini bus to Leighton Moss an RSPB nature reserve in Carnforth. The pupils were split up into groups and using their…

24 Feb

11G Spring 2. Week 1

We all came back to school refreshed after our break and had a busy week back. We shared our holiday news with our friends on Monday. 

On Tuesday we celebrated pancake day by starting the day off with pancakes for breakfast.

On Wednesday afternoon we started our new ASDAN Topic Parental…

10 Feb

11G’s brilliant end to the term!!!

What an exhausting last week. 11G have been so busy this week. It has been mental health week in school so we have done lots of activities to promote our mental well-being. We having been looking at all our school values and working as a team. 

On Tuesday morning we went to All Seasons Leisure…

3 Feb

Week 5 11G

This week we have made some decorations for the Valentines Disco next week.We designed our own sponsor form for our sponsored swim on Tuesday. We visited the gym on Wednesday, our teachers are very proud of what we have achieved while we have been visiting the gym. 

On Thursday we went to Asda…