21 Jul

Transition Days Maple Class 22-23

This week we have enjoyed coming together to meet our new friends and staff team as part of our transition onto Maple Class in September. Lots of us know each other already and we have also welcomed a new learner to Astley Park too and we look forward to her joining us full time.

Maple Class…

24 Jun

Being active in Chestnut Class!

Chestnut class have had a wonderful and active week and have taken part in lots of activities to develop our gross motor skills. We have been accessing the balance bikes and 3 wheelers and practising to navigate around the cones. We have enjoyed climbing and travelling at different heights on the…

17 Jun

Chestnut Class Rainbow Week

Chestnut class have had a very colourful week as we have enjoyed lots of Rainbow themed activities as part of our Rainbow Day celebrations! We have enjoyed sharing photos of our families and finding them in the tuff tray. During Attention Autism sessions we have enjoyed creating our own flag for…

10 Jun

Chestnut class Summer 2, week 1

Welcome back Chestnut Class!


What a fantastic first week back we have had with all this glorious weather as we learn all about the beach and summer time! Chestnut class have enjoyed our new sensory story, ‘Sheldon Snail’s Sunbathing Sessions’ and learned about all the things we have to…

1 Jun

May Holiday Heroes Fun ( group 1)

What an action packed two days we’ve had in Holiday Heroes! Yesterday group 1 visited The Space Centre in Preston and we zoomed down the slides, dived into the ball pool and enjoyed the swing with our friends. When we arrived back at school we had lunch then explored the outdoor area and sang our…

27 May

Chestnut Class fun at the fairground and celebrating the Jubilee

This week Chestnut class have been getting ready for Jubilee celebrations by creating our own special crown and adding jewels just like the Queen! We have been exploring the colours of the flag through Attention Autism and then decorated cakes for the special day using our fabulous communication…

20 May

We’ve Been Busy in Chestnut!

Over the previous couple of weeks Chestnut have continued to learn all about Houses and Homes. We have been learning about farm animals and their habitats and exploring/identifying their homes in the tuff tray. We have especially liked the mud, water and straw! We have been exploring measure- big…

27 Apr

Chestnut’s day at the farm

This week Chestnut Class have had a fabulous day out to Smithills Farm in Bolton. It forms part of our class topic of Houses and Homes this term.

Chestnut Class have enjoyed exploring the farm and meeting and stroking so many different animals ! We found the cows, pigs, sheep, llamas, owls,…

7 Apr

Holiday Heroes Group 1

Holiday Heroes have had an action packed few days! On Tuesday we enjoyed soft play, slides and climbing at Brew and Buddies and had delicious waffles and pancakes with fruit with friends. We have been busy accessing sensory circuits, enjoying Easter crafts, Attention Autism, the outdoor area and…

1 Apr

World Epilepsy Day in Chestnut Class

Last week Chestnut Class helped to promote awareness of World Epilepsy Day by attending school wearing purple. In 2008, eight-year-old Cassidy Megan from Canada decided she wanted to help raise awareness for people with epilepsy and to make sure no one affected feels alone. She named her idea…

1 Apr

Easter Fun in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have had a wonderful time celebrating Easter. We have enjoyed a sensory story, “We’re going on an Easter Egg Hunt!” We had to make our way through the swishy, swishy grass, through a field of colourful flowers (confetti drop) through the mud (hot chocolate and water mix) and river…

25 Mar

Musical mayhem in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have been listening and attending to lots of different musical instruments this half term. We have enjoyed the rainmaker and big drum and couldn’t wait to have a turn to repeat back the sounds we heard.  We have been recognising and identifying sounds of hidden instruments,…