4 Nov

7A’s week goes with a bang!

This week 7A have been on fire!!!!!
We have worked extremely hard this week and are all excited about Bonfire night and the fireworks this weekend.

We watched a video all about the history of Bonfire night and Guy Fawkes and asked lots of questions. We then watched another with a brilliant…

20 Oct

7A visit Pumpkin Patch Farm

What a great day 7A have had!!!

We visited Pumpkin Patch Farm in Scarisbrick. We were met by James who showed us where everything was then off we went.

We walked up and down the field in our wellies looking at all the different shapes, sizes and colours of pumpkins. There were orange, green,…

14 Oct

7A visit the café.

This week 7A visited the café in Chorley town centre to practice our independence.

We walked from school into town showing our road safety skills, looking both ways when crossing roads and using pelican crossings when available.

When we arrived at the café we all sat down and perused the…

7 Oct

7A Building friendships at Legoland.

7A went to Legoland in Manchester this week. We have been looking forward to it allllllll week and it didn’t disappoint!

When we arrived we had to queue up, while queuing up we saw some of what was to come, Hagrid, Darth Vader and tubes full of Lego. 
7A then got into the lift, which was very…

30 Sep

7A Asda trip 30/9/22

This week 7A walked over to Chorley Asda and practised their functional maths  and social skills by choosing and ordering items from the Cafe.

Each student used their own money to choose five items for one pound which was part of a deal that Asda are offering at the moment.  The students chose…

26 Sep

7A pizza and cakes 26/9/22

Last Friday the students from 7A had a really enjoyable cookery lesson making cakes and pizzas.

First of all we talked about the importance of hygiene before putting aprons on and washing our hands. We then looked at the ingredients and talked about how we could follow the written instructions…

12 Sep

7A A fun first week 9/9/22

It was a great, fun filled first week for the students and staff of 7A alike. 

Old friendships were rekindled after the long six week break and new friendships were made whilst the students had so much fun learning whilst joining in with lots of different activities including accessing our…

7 Jul

Den Building in 7A - Problem Solved

Well I knew the pupils in 7A had worked hard this year and they have been rewarded by making a sweep at the Annual Secondary Awards!

Gemma (Pupil of the Year), Joseph (Secondary Positivity Value Award), Jake (Secondary Teamwork Value Award) and Alfie & Grace (School Councillor Awards).…

1 Jul

7A’s Super Week


Well, what another busy week it has been in 7A Class. The pupils have worked well in a variety of lessons, but the highlight has to be our dance performance with Dave and Dave from Dance-syndrome.  All the year 7’s excelled in this performance, which was choreographed by our former…

24 Jun

7A Sharing Our Learning & Sports Week

Hi all,

Thank you to all our families who participated in Sharing Our Learning last week. It was wonderful having you all with us. We look forward to you all joining us again when we are in year 8. 

This week has seen 7A explore a wide range of activities for Sports Week.  All the pupils…

28 May

7A Celebrate at the Fairground!

To mark a Queens Platinum Jubilee, 7A went to the fairground. They were able to show all their circus skills in the performance workshop and their athletic skills on the helter skeleter & obstacle course. They also enjoyed spending their money in the Key Stage 4 cafe and sweets stalls and riding…

20 May

7A Super Saxons !

This week 7A have been looking at the Anglo Saxons and what weapons they used to fight in the battle against the Vikings. At the start of the week they looked at what they used to defend themselves. The children made some amazing shields and designed their very own pattern to go on the front of…