30 Jun

7A Legoland 29/6/23

7A enjoyed a wonderful experience at Legoland in Manchester yesterday. Lots of fun was had and the pupils enjoyed playing with a fantastic assortment of Lego pieces, visiting the Lego interactive 3D cinema, riding on a Lego train trying to find the baddies hiding around the track and trying out a…

21 Jun

7A birthday 20/6/23

Happy birthday to Oliver who turned 12 this week. 

We hope you had a wonderful birthday and we enjoyed celebrating with you in class.

17 Jun

Rainbow week 17/6/23

7A have had a very busy  colourful and exciting week exploring the subjects of diversity and equality through the medium of rainbow colours.

We began the week by using a variety of colourful fruit juices and fresh fruit in order to create a lovely rainbow coloured mocktail …we all tried it and…

6 Jun

7A day out at Blackpool Zoo.

Well what a great way to get back into school life… a trip to Blackpool Zoo!

7A were very excited as we set off to sunny Blackpool. 

We arrived at the Zoo and it was very busy.

First stop was the penguins, on the way we saw a couple of the little monkeys, we loved seeing them jumping…

19 May

7A outside fun 19/5/23

Pupils and staff enjoyed a fun time outside in the fresh air on Thursday afternoon playing on Devonshire road recreation ground.

We found lots of things to do and in particular the swings and roundabout were really popular as was the sand pit. 

It was great to play with our friends as we…

16 May

The day the Buddhist Monk came to visit.

Today we had a visit from a Buddhist Monk, Kelsang Pagpa. All Buddhist monks are named Kelsang which means ‘fortunate one’ and his name Pagpa means ‘realised ultimate truth’.

He wore orange robes which are meant to symbolize simplicity and detachment of materialism.

He spoke to us about how…

12 May

7A Bake Off and library visit

This week was very exciting in 7A… we were decorating our Coronation cakes in our Bake Off competition!

Everyone found their designs and got to work on their masterpieces. We rolled out icing (some may have been eaten along the way!!) and cut out pieces to make the designs. We had different…

5 May

Fudge,Dec and Beccaaaaaa come to visit.

This week 7A had some special visitors. Fudge, Dec and Beccaaaaaa the chicks. Sycamore have been working on life cycles and from incubator to hatching.
Sycamore class bought the chicks to visit. We had to be extremely quiet as they were only 7 days old.
Mrs Banks took them out of the cage and…

5 May

A Royal celebration in 7A.

This week is all about King Charles III Coronation.

7A have been extremely busy with all things royal.

We have researched on our IPads all about King Charles III so we know when he was born, who his mum was, who his children are, his hobbies and lots of other interesting facts.


27 Apr

Birthday Greetings. 27/4/23

Staff and pupils of 7A helped to celebrate Isobel’s 12th birthday this week with a yummy princess birthday cake, gifts  and games. 

We all had a fabulous time and Isobel looked amazing wearing her princess tiara all day. 

Happy Birthday Isobel.…

24 Apr

Hands on for Earth Day in 7A.

Today we have learnt all about Earth Day.

We celebrate Earth Day to show how much we care about the Earth.

7A looked at a presentation about Earth Day 2023. They discussed all the different things we could do to help look after Earth, from recycling, walking instead of travelling by car or…

21 Apr

7A slide back into school life.

What a fantastic first week back!
Everyone was happy to be back at school and has settled back in to their routines extremely well.

7A visited Astley Park on Thursday afternoon. 

They left school and walked to the park showing their road safety skills along the way. Everyone stopped at each…