31 Mar

Hurrah for the Easter Holidays in 8A

Well we have made it to the end of term and had a lovely sharing our learning session with parents and carers this week. On Monday and Tuesday some parents and carers joined us for lunch at Seven Seas Fish and Chip Shop. Everyone who joined us enjoyed a chill and chat with each other and the…

24 Mar

What a Wonderful Week in 8A

Well what another wonderful week we have had in 8A. Miss Bentham has been working hard teaching us how to keep ourselves safe online. Some of the pupils were shocked to learn that Alexa listens to everything we say and will link to our phones or iPads to try and persuade us to buy things Alexa has…

17 Mar

8A Make Predictions and Cakes

Well this week began with a visit from Mr Welsh and Miss  Wells. They were able to watch us make predictions about our bodies. Can taller people jump the farthest? We measured everyone’s height and then got everyone to jump as far as they could and measured the distance. 8A made sure Mr Welsh and…

16 Mar

8A Maiden Journey in the 9 seater!

Today Group 2 in 8A were able to test drive the new 9 seater minibus on our visit to Tesco. We all agreed the new car smell was really nice. There was plenty of room in the minibus for us and all our shopping. Mrs Devlin loved driving the new bus too.

10 Mar

What a fun week in 8A!

What great fun 8A have had this week. We have celebrated Holi as a whole school and had an amazing celebration on Wednesday afternoon. We had bags of different coloured powder paints which we threw into the air. Lots of the staff and pupils were covered in powder paint and looked amazing. Even the…

7 Mar

Out and About with 8A

8A are continuing to build their confidence and independence skills on our community visits. This week we concentrated on our road safety skills, with each of the pupils taking turns at crossing their peers across the road. The weather hasn’t always been kind to us this week but this hasn’t…

28 Feb

What a busy week back after half term for 8A!!

Well after our half term break 8A got straight back into our community visits and swimming lessons. This half term on a Monday and Tuesday we have cancelled our lunches and we are going for lunch to Seven Seas Fish and Chip shop in our community groups. Both groups really enjoyed their lunches and…

10 Feb

Happy Half Term from 8A

Well we’ve made it through to half term and we are all more than ready for a rest. This week we’ve finished our visits to Asda and Cappuccino@the hub. The pupils have represented the school  very well and have been complimented on their excellent behaviour many times. We enjoyed some time on the…

10 Feb

Daniel’s Birthday

This week we had another birthday to celebrate. Daniel’s birthday is in the holidays so we celebrated it early. Daniel enjoyed some pizza with his friends and enjoyed a game of hide and seek. He has taken his card home as wanted to open it on his birthday. Have a very happy birthday…

3 Feb

Week 5 8A

Well this week our class as always had fun. Out and about on our usual community visits. We now have a table reservation when we visit the Cappuccino@the hub, and the pupils are gaining confidence with their independence. We have problem solved situations ourselves and asked for straws…

3 Feb

Happy 13th Birthday Grace.

Well we’ve had another birthday today in 8A. Today it was Grace’s turn to become a teenager. Grace was lucky enough to receive some gifts and cards from her friends. In return she shared some delicious cup cakes with her friends and staff. The class enjoyed some games and dancing before tucking…

27 Jan

What a busy week in 8A

Well another busy week in 8A. We started the week off celebrating Chinese New Year. Mrs Bentham brought some Chinese food in for us all to try and we made some Chinese dragons which are on the display board. 

We have been learning about how our heart works and we used stethoscopes to listen to…