25 Nov

The last two weeks in 8P

The last two weeks in 8P have been really busy we have had lots of learning opportunities and lots of fun along the way. Last week we had Children in need Pudsey day, Which could only mean Mrs Hands bucket time was Pudsey bucket time!! 
we have learned all about on line safety and continued with…

11 Nov

8P. We will remember them

Today in 8P we remembered all our soldiers both serving and retired  and our fallen heroes.
We thank them for their service and sacrifice to help make our lives safer. 
mrs Hands bucket time was focused on Remembrance Day and the whole class focused so well.

For the first time we had our very…

7 Nov

Pictures from week back

Sorry 8P friends and family, last week’s pictures failed to load. I have made a separate blog so you can see them. 

4 Nov

Welcome back 8P

8P come back after half term. 
This week we have been busy making new memories, we have been on the bikes twice, made jam sandwiches and then chocolate apples..We learned all about kitchen safety and what not to do in the kitchen and of course we had bucket time too.

For P.E this week we went…

20 Oct

8P show racism the red card

This week in 8P we celebrated show racism the red card day. The class took part in lots of class learning about different people and how being different is ok. The whole class made great contributions  to a class discussion about different skin,eye,hair and clothes. We talked about how it’s never…

7 Oct

8P Non-Uniform Day and Dancing

This week in 8P we have continued building up our hand eye coordination and fine motor skills. We made fish by threading ribbons to make scales. We continued to weave baskets and thread beads. 
Weather walk got a bit wetter this week, but it didn’t put us off going out and taking our daily…

30 Sep

Week 4 in 8P

This week in 8P we have had a spinning time with lots of fun. 
We have played shop, learning money and communication skills together. The shop soon turned into a shop run by a super hero charging over 100 pounds for a pair of gloves.

We continued with our topic of The weather, having daily…

23 Sep

Week three in 8P

Week three in 8P, we made some beautiful rain clouds and practiced our threading ability by threading beads onto the bottom of our clouds. We added these to our fantastic class weather display. During 
swimming  this week we practiced swimming on our front and back in full lengths of the pool.…

20 Sep

8P week 2

This week in 8P we continued working on our topic of Weather, we continued our weather walks and took some fantastic pictures of the weather. 
We all painted a rainbow and then we created a class display with them. 
On Wednesday we went swimming and made a real splash in the pool. The class…

12 Sep

8P Our first week back at School

Our first week back was full of fun. We made Birthday cards for our class for the year, so we have a lovely hand made card to give to our class friends on their birthday. we also had a craft lesson during which we made sun flowers out of paper and pipe cleaners, everyone really enjoyed this…

5 Jul

8R visit Knowsley Safari Park

Today 8R were super lucky and were able to visit Knowsley Safari Park!!

We got on our school minibus this morning with our coats and packed lunches and Mrs Devlin drove us all the way there.

We were all very excited to see al the different animals when we got there. We drove through and…

25 Jun

8R’s Sports Week

8R have been sooooo busy this week! We are definitely ready for our weekend!

This week has been our sports week so we have been doing lots of activities outside, alongside all of our normal super work in class.

This week we have been doing some super warm ups before all of our physical…