8 Mar

10G have a fun packed week

10G has had another busy fun packed week this week.

We have worked on our communication skills when making our smoothies and pancakes. We had to follow the recipe’s and instructions for each and working as a team we were able to put together our ingredients and mixture to make the smoothies and…

8 Mar

8A Celebrate International Women's Day

Today is International Women’s Day! In 8A we have had a brilliant whole class discussion this morning. Some of the pupils asked why there isn’t an “international men’s day”. We looked at how, throughout history, women have been treated differently to men. We talked about how women didn’t used to…

8 Mar

11R Practise Safety in the Kitchen and in Town

The week started with pancake making for Shrove Tuesday. Pupils were given a recipe and worked in two groups, showing some fantastic team work and helping each other out, staff were very impressed as they did really well without any help. Everyone was a little nervous of turning the pancake over…

8 Mar

11G Celebrate International Woman’s Day

We had quite a lengthy discussion around - why it is important to celebrate this very important day! 

We looked at the life of a very important woman Mary Seacole- we all found it very difficult to comprehend what the world was like for women- especially for women from different ethnic…

4 Mar

Strengthening Our Bodies and Minds in 10R

This week 10R visited the gym for the first time. Some of us were a little nervous as it was new place but we were ready for the challenge.

We were able to try lots of different equipment including the treadmill, the rowing machine and the stepper. We all worked really hard and listened well to…

4 Mar

Astley Park School goes piggy for World Book Day 2022

Wow what a fantastic day we have had!!

At the beginning of the day Mr Welsh held a whole school teams video call and showed everyone CCTV footage from last night.  A mysterious visitor had been creeping around the secondary classrooms looking in cupboards and drawers. Who could this sneaky…

4 Mar

7P’s Wonderful Week

7P have had a very busy week! 

This week we have celebrated St David’s Day through daffodil themed activities. 

Then we took part in world book day where we all dressed up! 

As well as that we have practiced our independence skills by making toast using our favourite toppings! 

4 Mar

A busy week in Rowan Class

A very busy but fun week in Rowan Class. We all enjoyed swimming and our independence skills, getting dressed, are really improving. On Pancake Day we all helped to add and mix the ingredients for some very yummy pancakes. We watched a short video of a young girl in Wales getting ready for St…

4 Mar

A week with World book day in 7 a !

A very busy week in 7a ! 
In maths this week we have been exploring measurement. We used a ruler to measure our friends hands. We needed to think about where the ruler needs to be placed and from which number we start the measurement from. 
We prompted the children to start at 0 at the bottom of…

4 Mar

Beech class world book day

Beech class had a fun world book day. We bounced on the bouncy castle and knocked over the towers in the hall. We listened to the sensory story of the 3 little pigs and loved blowing the straw house down. We dressed up and played in straw, and bricks as well as having a pig sensory tray. What a…

4 Mar

Sycamore and the Busy Week!

What a busy week Sycamore have had. 


On St David’s day we made Daffodil pictures. We used water colours to create our designs, we looked at the colours of daffodils and incorporated them into our work. Afterwards we held our own ‘Sycamore Art Gallery’ where we celebrated each others art…

3 Mar

Ahoy, me hearties! Pirate Fun in Chestnut Class

This half term Chestnut Class have been enjoying our new topic about Pirates. In our PE sessions we are focussing on developing our gross motor skills via Pirate themed activities. We haven’t just been ‘walking the plank’ we have been travelling along the plank in different ways including pulling…