3 Mar

World Book Day Fun in Chestnut Class

“I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!”

Chestnut Class have had wonderful World Book Day fun exploring the story of the Three Little Pigs and celebrating all of our favourite characters and stories. What a great turn out in class- we had a visit from Superman, Rex from Toy…

3 Mar

World Book Day in Oak

Everyone in Oak class has had a super World Book Day!

We loved seeing our friends in their dressing up clothes. Arav dressed as Paddington Bear, Cosmin bounced around like Where’s Wally? And Leon was Grunt from Megamonster. He told us all about his favourite character and answered questions in…

3 Mar

11g world book day 2022

11g have had an exciting couple of days, we celebrated world book day over two days due to us swimming. We focused on The Three Little Pig books, listen to two different versions and then discussed the two books. We found that one was more traditional and one very modern.  Had lots of fun…

3 Mar

World Book Day in 9G

World Book Day 2022


Today is world book day in Astley Park and 9G came in dressed up in some fantastic costumes.

We had Where’s Wally, Piggy, A sports Man, Matilda, Dennis the Menace, Mine craft, Harry Potter and Action Man. We also had not one, not two but five little pigs.



3 Mar

World Book Day in Maple Class!

This year our school theme for world book day was the three little pigs. 

In class to celebrate this theme we had a three little pigs sensory tuff tray, in here we had sticks, foam bricks and straw. We also had pink pig play dough 

As a class team we had our own theme which was Charlie and…

3 Mar

World book day in Willow class

What a fun day for Willow class!

We we’re all so excited to dress up and everyone loved showing off their costumes and lovely outfits taking selfies with friends. We joined the school assembly to look at which fairytale character had been sneaking around school caught on the cctv- we guessed it…

3 Mar

8A Celebrate St David's Day

On Tuesday it was 1st March, which meant that it was St David’s Day. In 8A we learnt about who St David was and why people in Wales like to celebrate on 1st March. We found out that the people of Wales like to march in parades, sing and play music and dance too. Lots of people (especially…

2 Mar

Pancake Tuesday in Chestnut Class

What a wonderful and very messy time we had in Chestnut Class on Shrove Tuesday. During Stage 2 Attention Autism we watched Miss Spear create a pancake mixture and in Stage 3 we took turns to flip a pancake! Chestnut Class have been working very hard on their turn taking skills which require them…

2 Mar

Chestnut Class learn all about Hinduism

Chestnut Class had a lovely virtual visit from Mrs Parekh and we learned all about her Hindu Faith. She chatted to us about her favourite Hindu festival - Holi and the Celebration of Colour and we talked about our class learning of Diwali and the Festival of Light and what we had explored in…

2 Mar

Pancake day and St David’s day in Beech Class!

Beech class had a very busy Tuesday this week celebrating Pancake day and St David’s day!

In honour of shrove Tuesday, we had lots of fun trying to flip and catch our pancakes in a frying pan! After squeezing some lemon juice and sprinkling some sugar on top, we all tasted the pancakes for our…

2 Mar

Willow class go green

This half term Willow class are looking at our local environment and what we can do to look after it, alongside caring for our planet. We are looking at ways to be more eco friendly and ways we can make our local habitats/communities a better place.

We have had some great discussions about what…

1 Mar

Willow Class Celebrate St David’s Day

Today we celebrated St David’s Day in Willow Class. 
We learned all about St David and then tested our knowledge with a quiz. 
Following the quiz we made beautiful daffodil sun catchers and coloured in some Welsh flags. 
At snack time some of us tried Welsh cakes and others smelled them. 