11 Feb

7 a jump into maths , ready to roll in to half term !

This week 7 a have shown positivity and willing whilst working through some multiplication this week . They have explored building and analysing the array method. 
All the children have impressed all the staff with their determination to understand and complete their work. 
This week we have…

10 Feb

10R Using Respect Online

On Tuesday it was safer Internet day and in 10R we learned about online safety and also showing respect to others while online. Lots of us in 10R game online and we discussed what we should and shouldn’t do.

We decided that sometimes you should step back from a game if you see or hear things…

9 Feb

Beech class spring term

We have had a brilliant half term, lots of exploring, hard work and fun. We have been working hard at improving our independence, dressing , putting on coats, using cutlery, washing hands and toileting. We have been learning our numbers and letters and enjoying our nursery rhymes and songs. Well…

9 Feb

Safer Internet Day in 9G

On Tuesday 8th February it was Safer Internet Day at Astley Park School. In the morning the class learnt the sign for “Safer Internet Day”.  

We discussed what they thought the internet was used for. At first they just thought the internet was Google, but after thinking a little longer about…

9 Feb

Chinese New Year in 11R

To celebrate Chinese New Year class started by learning about the legend of the monster named Nina who would attack the villagers. The monster was afraid of loud noises, bright lights and the colour red. We discovered this is why fireworks and dragons play a huge part in celebrations of…

8 Feb

Happy Safer Internet Day from 11G!

Happy Safer Internet Day! 11G have had a lovely day learning all about how to stay safe online. First we filled out a quiz and worked out what we knew and what we still needed to learn about staying safe online. We then had to have a go at the safer Internet day quiz and work out what we would do…

8 Feb

Safer internet day in Willow Class

Today willow class have been learning about staying safe and kind on the internet for internet safety day!

We looked at how we can make kind choices on the internet to keep the internet a happy place and what to do if we see something unkind. We had a go at looking at all the things we can do…

8 Feb

Happy Safer Internet Day - One for the Grown Ups!

All Fun and Games? Exploring Respect and Relationships Online 


The best way to support our children online is to take an interest in what they are doing.

Here are some posters which may help start some conversations with your child. What should we be looking out for in the gaming world,…

5 Feb

Rowan Class celebrate Chinese New Year

Rowan Class enjoyed lots of different activities this week to celebrate Chinese New Year. We enjoyed making fruit fireworks, practicing our repeating pattern skills. We made some very colourful dragon masks, and had fun dragon dancing. We then had a go at Chinese writing, writing the word,…

4 Feb

Kung hei fat choy from 9G

Kung hei fat choy from 9G


On Tuesday 1st February, 9G celebrated Chinese New Year.


The pupils were greeted by their staff with their hands together, bowing their heads and saying “ kung hei fat choy”  which means “Congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New…

4 Feb

10R Research the Chinese New Year

10R had lots of fun researching and learning all about the Chinese New Year. We learned that 2022 is the year of the Tiger and that the learners in 10R were born either in the year of the dog or the year of the pig.

We watched the story of how the Emperor challenged the animals to race across…

4 Feb

The Year of the Tiger - celebrating Chinese New Year in Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class have enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year! We have been using our communication skills to make requests for lots of delicious Chinese food including spring rolls, noodles made by Mrs Duxbury, rice and prawn crackers. We watched Miss Spear create a huge tiger and watched as the black…