11R celebrating in style for their Prom 2022
11R had a fantastic time at their prom on Thursday 30th June. After meeting for drinks and nibbles, the class had their official prom photoshoot before boarding the huge Hummer Limo that whisked them away to Shawhill Golf Club. There, they enjoyed a mocktail reception, a beautiful 2 course meal…
9Rs Trip to the Zoo
Today 9R had their class trip to Blackpool Zoo!
We started our day off bright and early, driving in the mini bus to the zoo and dropping our lunches off in the Darwin Centre. We saw lots of amazing animals as we began to explore the zoo, including lots of different exotic birds and monkeys and…
Party time in 10G
As part of their ASDAN work 10G have planned and prepared a birthday party for 3 members of their class.
The first task was choosing what party food we were going to have. After lots of suggestions (some of us wanted a roast dinner on our buffet) we managed to narrow down the list to a few…
Exploring summer in Beech class
This week in Beech class we have enjoyed lots of summer themed activities.
In our attention autism sessions we have explored lots of summery themes including ice cream, rainbows, farm animals, and even Wimbledon!
We have also played with the parachute and tunnel outside, enjoyed spending…
7A’s Super Week
Well, what another busy week it has been in 7A Class. The pupils have worked well in a variety of lessons, but the highlight has to be our dance performance with Dave and Dave from Dance-syndrome. All the year 7’s excelled in this performance, which was choreographed by our former…
11g celebrate prom 2022
Oh my goodness !
We have had the best time ever.
We had a party at school, put on our best suits and dresses, had our hair done .
Had professional photos taken. Fantastic ride in a big white limo. Followed by an amazing meal at Shaw Hill . Then danced the night…
Rowan Class - Summer 2 Week 4
We have had a super busy week in Rowan Class. We enjoyed number games outside, we had races with the bluebots and programmed them to move around the mats. We all did amazing at swimming at always!
This week we have been talking about our new classes and how some of us might be worried, so we…
A Sporty Summer Term for 8A
8A have had a fabulous summer developing their physical skills during our Me and My Body lessons on Thursday afternoons.
During Summer 1, our adventures practiced their circus skills, linked to their The Circus is in Town theme, which involved a lot of hand-eye coordination, balance and target…
Park Fridays in 8A
On Fridays this half term, we have been practicing our road safety skills by walking to the park during Golden Time. This is part of our Travel Training work, which links to our My Community work and also allows us to work on our social skills and independence skills which link to our PLGs. Well…
8A Story Time!
During My Communication lessons this half term, the Adventurers in 8A have been writing a sensory story linked to our Circus theme through group writing. We sat together to talk about what happens at the circus and what we can include in our own story to perform to 9G. We first sat and spoke about…
Willow and Sycamore team up for a Chorley schools sports competition!
On Wednesday, 8 pupils from Willow and Shcamore class attended the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership quad games competition at a local sports hub.
The children took part in a howler throw, standing log jump and a 50m sprint.
Unfortunately we had to leave to get back for buses before the…
Welcome to the 9G Show!
This term 9G have been learning about the Circus.
In My Communication we explored a circus sensory story before being set the challenge to write our own circus story to perform to 8A! 9G worked together to write a class story, sharing ideas and carefully thinking of roles for everyone. We had…