12 Nov

7A Remember

7A Remember


At 11:00am yesterday morning, 7A stopped their work to have a minute silence in remembrance of the soldiers who lost their lives for us. Out of respect, Connor chose to stand up throughout.


In the afternoon in our World About Me lesson, we started by discussing…

11 Nov

Maple Class Remember

For Remembrance Day, Maple Class watched a short animated film about the Poppy and talked about the flower. We looked at pictures of the Queen laying a wreath, before making our own, which we all stuck a poppy to. We listened carefully to The Last Post whilst, 'poppy petals' fell on…

11 Nov

Sycamore Remember..

Sycamore have enjoyed a day of activities themed around ‘Remembrance Day’. 


This morning we enjoyed a circle time and we shared our ideas and what we remember about Remembrance Day. We then had our 2 minutes silence to remember all the soldiers who have fought in wars to help keep us…

11 Nov

9R - Remembering Our Heroes

We listened to Dame Vera Lynn singing “We’ll Meet Again”and discussed about how the song was sending out a positive message of all being together again. As a class we watched the story of Remembrance  Day and we learnt about the significance of the poppy. Then we sat quietly and respectfully as we…

11 Nov

We Will Remember Them

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 11R remained silent for two minutes to remember those who have died, or fought, or lost loved ones whether serving in the armed forces or as civilians, as part of conflict to protect our democratic freedoms.

We were proud of 11R’s mature…

9 Nov

Online Safety Legends Family Adventure

Parent Zone and Google are inviting you and your family to join in the family adventure in a three part animation series of the Interland Internauts. This is a program your child is familiar with within school and pupils thoroughly enjoyed it when Google hosted a personalised and interactive…

7 Nov

11G weekly blog 6/11/20

Hi everyone, another weekly blog and update from staff and pupils of 11G. 

We’ve all had lots of fun this week, the climbing frame has been used as have the bikes and we have done lots of walking around the track and playing outside with the balls. 

We have also worked hard inside too,…

6 Nov

7A love fireworks!

7A have loved learning about Bonfire Night this week as part of our Celebrations topic. 

On Wednesday afternoon, we completed a challenge to create safety fireworks for the younger children to refer to on Bonfire Night. We listened to a safety presentation and then added our own suggestions…

6 Nov

10G’s Busy first week back!

10G have had a very busy week. We have been working on our hockey skills in PE and even begun practising our attacking and defending skills. In English we have been writing letters to Miss Bamber and Mrs Lilley to see how they are and how their babies are doing. We have also been having lots of…

6 Nov

11R does bingo

This week in 11R we having been doing bingo and as starter to our functional maths skills. Ryan was our super bingo caller and his calling skills were AMAZING!! It was an intense game and a few of us were sweating towards the end waiting for our numbers to be called. 

Once we had finished…

6 Nov

Bonfire night in Willow class!

Wow Willow class, what a great first week back! 
You have had a great start to the new term. We have started our class book of Little red riding hood, looking at the characters and how we can use descriptive language like adjectives to define characters in book. Some of us even tried writing a…

6 Nov

8R Bonfire Week

In class this week as well as doing our usual class work we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. Miss Brophy organised some fun activities which included making some chocolate apples, making some special cake called Parkin and creating some lovely art work. We weighed all the ingredients out and…