20 Nov

8G Challenging Gender Stereotypes

This week in 8G, we’ve been thinking about different types of jobs. We started off by reading a story about Charlie the firefighter. We then took turns to choose a job card, before sorting the cards into “men’s jobs” and “women’s jobs”. We had some fantastic conversations about some of the jobs,…

19 Nov

Maple Go Puddle Jumping!

Yesterday, Maple class saw that it was raining outside and thought that we would make the most of it! We watched Peppa Pig jumping in muddy puddles, put on our coats and wellies and headed out into our outdoor classroom to get splashing! We worked together to make some puddles by filling up…

19 Nov

10R Explore Regulation

As part of our socially thinking zones of regulation programme, pupils are encouraged to find out what activities support them in their different colour zones. Today we explored a range of activities which pupils then reflected on. Would it help make them more alert on those tired days? Or would…

19 Nov

7A Week 11 Autumn Term- Diwali

We have continued our work on Diwali at the beginning of our week in 7A this week.


On Monday we started to read a story called Dipal’s Diwali that follows a Hindu family throughout their Diwali celebrations. We all enjoyed learning more about Diwali and what is involved during the…

19 Nov

9G - Challenging Gender Stereotypes

This week 9G have been looking at gender stereotypes. We read a story about a Daddy Seahorse who looks after the eggs until they hatched. We talked about how it isn’t always mummy’s that do things for you, daddy’s do just as much!

We then took part in two activities, one where we chose…

19 Nov

9R Are Challenging Stereotypes


We used our 1:1 iPads and the Padlet app to answer some questions about stereotypes.The first thing we did was send Mrs Clarke a picture of a girls toy and then a boys toy.

We looked at some different jobs including, nurse, beautician, electrician, footballer and we wrote on our iPads who…

18 Nov

Challenging Gender Stereotypes in 7A

This week at school we are thinking about challenging gender stereotypes. In 7A we have been thinking about gender stereotypes in terms of job roles. We read the story “Charlie The Firefighter” and discussed whether we thought Charlie would be a male or female firefighter. Most learners thought…

18 Nov

11G Learning about Gender Stereotypes - November 2021

Today we looked at challenging gender stereotypes. We first of all read a story about Charlie the firefighter and found out that she was a girl even though we at first thought that she would be a boy. We then looked at different jobs using a colourful semantics  resource on the book creator app on…

17 Nov

Sycamore learn about Diwali

Today Sycamore have enjoyed a fun-filled day learning about Diwali.

Sycamore have been learning different facts about Diwali. We found out that:

  • Diwali is a very important festival celebrated by many people around the world.
  • Diwali is celebrated by Hindu’s but can be celebrated by…
14 Nov

Another FINtastic Week for Oak!

What another lovely week we have had in Oak Class looking at The little Mermaid. We have been very lucky that this week we have had two birthdays, Ellie and Noah’s. We’d all like to thank parents for the donations of sweets and cake which we all loved. 

  • In our My Creativity lessons we…
13 Nov

11G weekly blog 13/11/20

What a fantastic week it has been in 11G...as well as maths, comprehension, reading and literacy throughout the week we have also watched News round every day and discussed the daily issues. This has been a great way to encourage communication as well as turn taking and listening to the views of…

13 Nov

Willow class thinks of others- Remembrance day and Children in Need

Willow class have had two special theme days to enjoy this week- Remembrance Day and Children in Need.

On Wednesday 11th we looked at what Poppy Day means to us and how it’s nice to show we are grateful and show respect. We all are very respectful in Willow class and are trying to hard to…