5 Jun

Beech club week 3

Hi Everyone,

A busy week in Beech club this week. we have been learning about the farm animals and  we are brilliant at singing old McDonald now! We have been painting, baking, washing animals, enjoyed the sunshine and explored big and small animals. 

Have a look at our lovely…

5 Jun

11R - Rainbows and Positivity

We've had a busy week in 11R. We've talked about our feelings and what we can do to help ourselves if we are feeling worried. We have practised "Take 5 breathing" and had a go at meditation - Cosmic Kids Rainbow Waterfall which made us feel calm and ready to work. We talked about different…

4 Jun

Weekly Update from 11G

Hi all you 11G members, fans and followers,

I hope you all managed to have a relaxing week off over half term.  I am extremely excited about our Teams meeting on Monday.  I cannot wait to see you all and share what we have been up to.  We will also be joined by two special guests – Miss…

3 Jun

11R Find A Field of Dandelions

In a world of uncertainty like we are currently in we need to look for the positives. This weeks mindfulness activity is for you to fill a jar of dandelions and for each dandelion you place in the jar, think of something positive about moving on to college. It may be that you are excited to meet…

1 Jun

8G Learning From Home (May half term)

Hello again!

Here we are the end of half term and the beginning of Summer 2. I think that half term flew by far too quickly!! Hope you are all staying safe at home and enjoying this beautiful weather. I just want to start by saying a HUGE thank you to everyone who joined in with our 8G Sing and…

1 Jun

Six star challenge


Today we are launching our amazing Six Star Challenge. We really hope you will join in!

For each challenge you complete you can achieve a star. If you achieve all six stars you get a Gold Award and a mention in the Star of the Week Assembly. If you achieve 5 stars you get a Silver…

1 Jun

Happy Sweet 16th Clare!

We would all like to wish Clare a fantastic sweet 16th! 

We hope you have a day filled with lots of presents, cake and celebration and a year of happiness and health. 

Be sure to send in some photos! 


Lots of love from all of us in 11R!

29 May

We have been on a lion hunt this week... RAWR!

We’re going on a lion hunt, 

We’re going to catch a big one, 

We’re not scared, we’ve been there before!


This week in chestnut class our story has been “We’re Going on a Lion Hunt”. We have had lots of fun swishing in the long grass, splashing in the lake and squelching in the swamp…

29 May

Five currant buns in a bakers shop...

This week we have enjoyed lots of number songs in Chestnut class. We particularly enjoy the song “five currant buns” so today Mrs Crouch ran a very messy attention autism session based on the song. We made currant buns out of shaving foam and enjoyed splatting them when it was our turn to buy a…

29 May

Learning from home 29/5/20

Hi everyone,

Well, another week has gone past and I do hope you have all been enjoying this beautiful sunshine and getting lots of fresh air.

I have been working from home again this week and as well as doing video's and online work I have also been going out for lots of walks in the…

29 May

Beach club week 2

This Thursday and Friday has been very busy again! George loved the Cheerios in his sensory tray, Ben loved the singing Beat Belle using the switch to make it work. We listened to Dear Zoo story and had fun painting snakes and lions in our animal theme using brushes, our hands and a fork, We went…

28 May

Happy Birthday Noah!

We would like to wish Noah a very happy 8th birthday! We had a lovely time celebrating in Chestnut Class this afternoon!