28 May

Happiness Jar

Mental health…. It’s something we all have, sometimes it’s good and sometimes not so good.

In class we are very good at talking about our Mental Health and trying to address any concerns we might be having.

Unfortunately, the situation we are in at the moment has stopped all that.

So, at…

27 May


Hi everybody,

Would you like to take part in an exciting competition as part of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month? Take a look at the competition below. If you take part, make sure you send Mrs Crouch a copy of your entry (crouchm@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk) as well as emailing it over to…

27 May

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week.


What a fantastic week we had in school and you all had at home, taking part in the Mental Health Awareness Week’s activities. It was fantastic to hear what you had all been up to. Thank you for sending us lots of photos we enjoyed looking at them.


26 May

Oak - Learning From Home: Week 8 & 9

Hello everybody, 

It has been wonderful to see and hear more about your fantastic learning from home adventures.  

Over the past two weeks your teachers in Oak have been working hard with the teachers from Maple to create learning from home videos for our YouTube channel, linking to our…

26 May

Join in with us - Sing and Sign!

Hi everyone, 

This week the signs of the day are teaching you all the colours of the rainbow and we would really like your help!

You will see that there is a new YouTube video that has been posted today called the colours of the rainbow song. Mrs Linde's very talented daughter Georgia sang…

25 May

A musical Monday for our primary learners in school

This afternoon we enjoyed a music themed attention autism session in Chestnut class. We watched Mrs Crouch drop different materials on a xylophone or tambourine to create different sounds and then we took turns to play the instruments. We had lots of fun! 

25 May

Miss Brown birthday.

Today is a very special day for Miss Brown. It's her birthday and under normal circumstances she would have been at home on Bank Holiday Monday celebrating with her family. Miss Brown was on the staff rota to come in today so instead was in school, so the staff in school wanted to make sure it was…

22 May

Learning from home 10G 22/5/20

Hi everyone,

Thank you for all the lovely stories and photographs that you have shared with us.

This week I have been working from home so I have been spending a lot of time using my ipad and laptop and learning lots of new skills. I do hope that you have enjoyed doing some of the…

22 May

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 5)

Hi everyone!

Here we are at the end of Summer 1 half term- I feel like I've blinked and missed this half term, it has flown by so quickly.

A huge thank you, once again, to everyone who joined in with our class video call on Monday afternoon. Mrs Linde was our special guest and introduced us…

22 May

9G enjoy learning from home!

9G have had another busy week. Everyone has been really busy working on education city, purple mash, helping out around the house, working on their gardening skills, reading, counting and baking skills. 

Well done 9G. Miss Robertson and Miss Bamber are so proud of how hard you have all been…

22 May

7R - Who was Mary Anning?

Hi everybody, 

Well done for another week learning from home! This week we have learnt about Mary Anning, a palaeontologist who is famous for discovering dinosaur fossils! What a cool job! We have researched Mary Anning and produced fact files using Purple Mash this week. Take a look at some of…

22 May

Online Safety Parent Zone Live Q&A

Parent zone are hosting some virtual parent sessions, these will be streamed via You Tube and will have live question and answer time. 


There are several sessions over the next few weeks 

Thursday 4th June 16:00