9 Jun

What Have Maple Been Up To?

Hi Everyone,

Let's have a look what some of the children in Maple class have been up to recently. 

Adam - Adam has been very busy this week completing the six star challenge. Adam was very lucky to receive a gold certificate for his efforts completing all six activities. He…

9 Jun

Oak - Learning From Home: Week 10 & 11

Hello everybody,  

It is fantastic to see and hear that you are all working hard and making lots of good choices at home. 

Your teachers have loved seeing pictures of you completing challenges alongside lots of learning activities. 

Over the past two weeks Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs…

8 Jun

Six Star Challenge Week 2


We had an amazing response to last weeks challenge and would love for even more pupils to join us this week.

Remember If you achieve 6 stars you get a gold award, 5 stars for a silver award and 4 stars for a bronze award and you’ll get a shout out in our star of the week assembly!


8 Jun

Six Star Challenge Awards week 1

Well done everyone! You are all absolutely amazing.


Week 1's Gold award winners are:

Scarlett in Chestnut

Adam in Maple

Annie in Rowan 

Olivia in willow

Michael in 8R

Thomas in 8R 

Cordell in 8R

Well done - you achieved all 6 stars. WOW.


Week 1's Silver…

8 Jun

7R begin to read “Mary Anning and the Time Twister”

Hi everybody, 

This half term, as part of our “dinosaurs” topic, 7R will be reading “Mary Anning and the Time Twister” by Louisa Glancy. Each week will be reading one chapter of the book on Purple Mash and then we will complete activities based on that chapter. During chapter 1, we met a class…

5 Jun

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 6)

A big hello to everyone reading this!


I am writing this as I have just finished our third video call with 8G this afternoon. I hope that you all enjoyed it and had lots of fun playing Numicon Bingo together. We all loved seeing you! A big thank you to Miss Curry and Mrs McDonnell for…

5 Jun

Learning from Home 10G 5 /6/20

Hi everyone, It was wonderful to catch up with most of you this week on our group chat. Myself, Mrs Powell and Mr Connor really enjoyed seeing you all and listening to what you have been up to and I do know that our very special guest, Miss Melling, was so impressed with you all. 

I do hope you…

5 Jun

11R Learning from Home Summer 2 Wk1

This week pupils were challenged to complete 'All About Me' documents and/or videos to be passed on to their colleges. Well done to those who did this. I have forwarded these and spoken with your future tutors. They are very excited to be working with you. 


Learning from home isn't all…

5 Jun

We’re going on a safari

This week Amelia and Grace have been learning about lots of different animals we would see on a safari. We’ve made lions, giraffes, a parrot and a snake and then some binoculars to go on a safari hunt with. 

We had lots of fun making animal patterns with paint and then look for the right animal…

5 Jun

We've Come to the End of Another Week.

Yesterday the children in Chestnut Class had a fun afternoon creating animal prints.

After watching Mrs Smith do an animal themed ‘What’s in the Box’ the children then used different animals and paint to make footprints on their paper. They then experimented using different shapes to create a…

5 Jun

8R Reunited online

Hi everyone,

We’ve had another busy week in 8R. On Monday we had our first class Teams meeting and it was so lovely to see everyone and have a chat. Everyone shared some news, just like we do in our nurture group in class and at the end of the meeting everyone voted to meet again next week.

5 Jun

7G learning at home Week 10

Hi Everyone,  

This week’s blog comes in two parts; half term week, and then this week, which is week 10 of learning at home! I can’t believe it!  

Half Term in 7G  


Tyler has been busy spending lots of time playing in the garden in the sun. Tyler has really enjoyed being able…