11R Thinking positive reflecting on VE day
VE Day is a shortened name for Victory in Europe. This year we are celebrating 75yrs when Germany surrended (gave themselves up) to end the 2nd World War. This was a very happy time in England and many parties were had.
If you would like to learn more about this special occasion here is a…
Beech Class - Mrs Lilley and Olivia explore Olivia's Sweet Shop
We have been busy again at home this time practicing using our imaginations to play Olivia's Sweet Shop, it was lots of fun using all sorts of materials like Rice Krispies, lentils, couscous and water beads to help make our 'sweets'. Not only was it messy fun there was so much…
It's been a MADD week for Oak Class! - Learning from home week 6
Hi Everyone,
Last week was a busy week for Oak Class as we all got busy at home with MADD week.
Week 6's Learning from home:
*Ellie has been trying out some Irish dancing for MADD week. She’s also enjoyed doing some jigsaws and even completed a 49 piece puzzle!! Wow Ellie you’re…
MADD Week Flag Competition Winners!
Hello Everyone!
After much deliberation amongst the MADD team ... and some advice from Mr Welsh ... the winners are in ...
In 3rd Place with a fabulous hand made flag so big it could be seen out of the window ...
IT'S GEORGIA IN 10G!! Well done!
In 2nd Place with a…
7G - Before we were Learning at Home ...
I thought it would be nice to share some pictures from before we started Learning from Home.
7G did some wonderful baking on afternoon and made some cookies! They were very independent and careful around the hot oven!
They were very yummy!
Here are the lovely pictures of us all together…
7R...How would you feel if dinosaurs were alive today?
Hi everybody,
I was on holiday last week but Miss Beck has been telling me about the fantastic work you all did at home and I am so proud of you all for trying so hard! Last week I set you some reading about dinosaurs and tasks which involved reflecting on what you had read to answer questions.…
Willow class learning from home: summer week 2
Hello everyone,
Willow class have been feeling very creative last week, enjoying MADD week through arts at home and entering the flag competition. Let’s have a look at what Willow class have been up to!
Alfie has been enjoying time in the sunshine in the garden with Nana! He has been keeping…
8R Learning from home - Summer Term Week 2
8R have been very busy this week, especially with the MADD Week activities, designing some fantastic flags! Well done all!
Malachi created a great flag this week, and has been busy at home, making burgers (yummy) and doing lots of gardening. Great work Malachi, Well…
Chestnut Class do MADD week
The sun seems to have gone behind the clouds this week but Chestnut class are all still smiling J
Let’s go to Harry first…
Harry has been making the most of MADD week. He has been practising his yoga with Cosmic Kids, had a teddy bears picnic, played shops and been dressing up. I can see on…
Oak Club get Creative
Even though the sun has disappeared we have had a lovely, fun week in Oak Club.
We started most mornings by listening to the sensory story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We counted out all the food that he ate and even guessed that he would change into a beautiful butterfly! We talked about the…
Pyjamarama Day 2020
We hope that everyone has had fun celebrating Pyjamarama day and enjoyed the excuse to stay in your PJ’s all day!
Children in school and at home have enjoyed wearing their pyjamas while completing their learning activities. Some children have been reading with their loved ones while others have…
MADD week - Friday
MADD Week, Friday - Australia
Our final MADD day was yet again filled with fun.
We started of the day by looking at different animals that live in Australia. Then we picked pictures to colour and research.
After break we looked at Aboriginal art work.
We found out that Dots…