8 May

8R Learning from home - Summer Term Week 3

8R have had another busy week at home! 

As well as making VE Day decorations, Thomas has been helping lots around the house, cleaning and making his own lunch, very independent. Thomas also helped with a beautiful collage for his nanna. Well Done Thomas! 

Faith has been enjoying all the…

8 May

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 3)

Hello again everyone!

Here at the end of our 7th week of not being in school.

I have spoken to lots of parents on the phone this week and it has made such a lovely change. As much as I like an email, a good old natter on the phone is much more up my street (especially at the moment), so…

8 May

11G - Special News Announcement

Happy Friday to all you 11G superstars and super fans!

I have some fabulous news to tell you all! (Drum roll!)

Miss Armstrong has had her baby! Jessa Rose Thomas was born on the 2nd of May at 6:33pm, weighing 8lbs 7oz.  Miss Armstrong, Jessa and family are all at home, safe and well.  She…

7 May

Secondary’s Wake up and Shake up, May 2020.

We were all feeling a little bit sleepy this morning so needed to do something to wake up our bodies and our brains.


We went into the hall and did a wake up and shake up dance to help us feel awake! We really enjoyed it and took part really well!

We enjoyed it so much that we wanted to…

7 May

7G Learning at Home Week 7

Hello Everyone. I hope you are all keeping safe and well. The blog is coming to you a day early as it is bank holiday tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy yourself on this special day! 

It has been another busy week in 7G. I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine! We certainly have!


7 May

10G - Amazing spring adventures -07/05/2020

Hello everyone!!

Well the sun is STILL shining and - judging by all the fantastic photos and stories that you have been sending me,  you have all certainly been making the most of the lovely weather.

This week I have managed to plant some vegetables in my veggie patch as well as planting…

6 May

Rainbow Week in School

Hello everyone and I hope you are all keeping safe and finding plenty of things to do at home.

As you will be aware by now some of our young people and staff have been in school still and have been taking part in lots of activities, fun videos and many other things. The other week Mr Buckley,…

6 May

11R Thinking positive reflecting on VE day

VE Day is a shortened name for Victory in Europe. This year we are celebrating 75yrs when Germany surrended (gave themselves up) to end the 2nd World War. This was a very happy time in England and many parties were had. 


If you would like to learn more about this special occasion here is a…

4 May

Beech Class - Mrs Lilley and Olivia explore Olivia's Sweet Shop



We have been busy again at home this time practicing using our imaginations to play Olivia's Sweet Shop, it was lots of fun using all sorts of materials like Rice Krispies, lentils, couscous and water beads to help make our 'sweets'. Not only was it messy fun there was so much…

4 May

It's been a MADD week for Oak Class! - Learning from home week 6

Hi Everyone, 

Last week was a busy week for Oak Class as we all got busy at home with MADD week. 

Week 6's Learning from home: 

*Ellie has been trying out some Irish dancing for MADD week. She’s also enjoyed doing some jigsaws and even completed a 49 piece puzzle!! Wow Ellie you’re…

4 May

MADD Week Flag Competition Winners!

Hello Everyone!


After much deliberation amongst the MADD team ... and some advice from Mr Welsh ... the winners are in ...


In 3rd Place with a fabulous hand made flag so big it could be seen out of the window ...

IT'S GEORGIA IN 10G!! Well done!


In 2nd Place with a…

4 May

7G - Before we were Learning at Home ...

I thought it would be nice to share some pictures from before we started Learning from Home. 

7G did some wonderful baking on afternoon and made some cookies! They were very independent and careful around the hot oven! 

They were very yummy!

Here are the lovely pictures of us all together…