1 May

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term - Week 2)

8G have had a very busy week, lots of fun and lots of pictures. Well done everyone!

Ben is really enjoying the Great British Bake Off topic, he even had his own Bake Off at home! Ben has also been busy doing jigsaws and continuing to exercise with Joe Wicks, brilliant! 



1 May

9R - Learning from home. Week 6

9R have been very busy this week doing lots of learning from home. 
They have used education city and purple mash to do lots of wonderful school work, doing lots of reading and answering questions about what they have read and having a look at shapes in their maths work.


After watching…

30 Apr

Have 11G gone MADD in Week 6? Part 2

Part 2  

My Week (Mr Massey)

Well compared to my excellent learners my week seems quite boring. The highlights have been going walking with Elizabeth and Thomas in our secret fairy woods and improving our hide ‘n’ seek skills (Thomas still can’t keep quiet when its his turn to hide

30 Apr

Have 11G gone MADD in Week 6? Part 1

Wow 11G! I have had a bumper response this week and heard from most of you in some way or another.   These been some much work sent it actually won’t fit in one blog!


I set both functional maths skills challenges along with MADD week activities and there’s been a lot of work and…

30 Apr

MADD week - Thursday

MADD Day Thursday- India

Another fun filled day in school.

We started of the day looking at Rangoli, an art form made with patterns using coloured rice, dry flour or coloured sand. We had a go at making our own Rangoli, it got a bit messy but was great fun.

We listened to some Bollywood…

30 Apr

Beech Class - Sensory Ideas For At Home - Flower Potions & Sensory Cakes with Mrs Lilley & Olivia

Hello everyone,

Whilst at home Mrs Lilley and Olivia have been using some of their time to explore with lots of sensory materials they already had at home. For the flower potions we just used some flowers which had been in the house but were now ready for the bin (or in our case exploring). We…

29 Apr

Let’s enjoy Pyjamarama on Friday 1st May!

Hello everyone,

This Friday is Pyjamarama day, a day across the country celebrating reading together, all about staying in your pyjamas and reading your favourite books. This could be reading books yourselves to a family member or pet, listening to a book online or read to you by someone in…

29 Apr

MADD Wednesday

MADD Wednesday!

Our theme today is Brazil!

We started our day-looking at Brazillian rain forests and the famous statue of Christ The Redeemer!

We looked at the famous carnival in Rio! Wow- it looked amazing fun!- We would love to go and see it for real- if Mr Welsh would let us!


29 Apr

11R Be positive with Giggles

It can be hard to find a positive when you are stuck at home. So lets tell some jokes to make us giggle.


Add a joke in the comments to see if you can make others giggle. 


I'll start...


What sort of tile can you not put on your wall? 

A Reptile!


What do you call a…

28 Apr

MADD Tuesday

MADD Tuesday -Ireland!

Another fun filled day in school! We watched a short video about two giants having an argument- Finn McCool and Bennandonner- its a story set in Ireland- we then looked at the Giants Causeway, looking at the shapes of the rock formations. We made our own games using…

28 Apr

Online Safety Summer Term Family Challenge

Happy Summer Term


Here is a our summer term learning from home online safety family challenge. 

Last term we looked at what was good to share, talking about the different scenarios.

This term we are thinking about if what we read on the internet is true. Many pupils will be accessing…

27 Apr

MADD Monday

MADD Day Monday! Theme of the day Spain!

We started MADD day by looking at Piccaso pictures, before creating our own using lots of lovely bright colours.

We listened to some Spanish music, then used drums to create our own music-slow and quiet then fast and loud-we had lots of fun!
