8R Breakfast with Santa
Today we came into school in our pjs and had breakfast in class before Santa arrived to give us our presents. We had lots of different things to choose from like toast, cereal, breakfast bars, porridge and hot chocolate. We all opened our gifts and were pleased that we were all on the "nice"…
Breakfast with Santa and when Santa came to visit Beech 2019
Beech class have had such a lovely morning first we had some yummy Christmas breakfast in the hall and then we had a special visitor come to see us, we were so lucky as we all got a present from...Santa!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Beech class teachers.…
10G Christmas Cheer- Fieldfare Christmas 2019
As part of our Christmas festivities, 10G had a fantastic Christmas lunch at the Fieldfare in Chorley. Each Student had the opportunity to choose their own lunch by looking at the menu. Everyone had a great time and it was lovely to see the students spending some well deserved down time…

9Gs festive fun
9G have been really busy on the run up to Christmas’s. We had a lovely time decorating our massive Christmas tree together. We also had a fun end of term trip to McDonald’s where we got to have a drink and chose either chips or ice cream. We have also been very creative and melted our own snow,…

11R Consider How To Surf Safe
This week we have been looking at different scenarios which, we may face over the internet. We had quite a good discussion with a range of suggestions from pupils.
We then created some ‘Surf Safe’ posters to advise people on how to stay safe online.
Well done team you were…

Guiding Star
On Thursday 7G took part in our Christianity themed day. We watched the nativity story as told by the Tweenies and learnt about why we celebrate Christmas.
Some of the children were able to say that we celebrate Christmas as that was when Jesus was born. We noticed in the story that a star…

Walking in a winter wonderland!
We have had a busy few weeks in 7G! Our final weather theme has been cold winter weather!
Our different areas in class were themed around animals that live in cold places, snow and then finally Christmas. We have been becoming very creative making a variety of different winter themed…

Take a look at 7Rs brilliant Christmas pop art!
In our art and creativity lessons we have been learning about Andy Warhol and his pop art. We decided to make our own Christmas pop art. We split our pages into four sections using a pencil and ruler and then chose a Christmas image to draw in each box. We painted each background a different…

Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?
During the month of December, 7R have been focusing on the Christian celebration, Christmas. We read the nativity story and wrote about it and then we thought about why Christians celebrate Christmas. We said it was because it is Jesus’ birthday and we give presents like the wise men give presents…

A baby boy was born one day, in a stable far away!
Oak Class learnt all about the Christmas nativity today. First of all, we enjoyed reading the story together on the carpet, taking it in turns to find the characters in our story to match our figures.
We were able to answer questions during different parts of the story;
When Mary was told by…

7R meet Mean Jean!
Yesterday we had another session at the Superflex Training Academy. Miss Della-Fera introduced us to Mean Jean, an unthinkable character. We talked about how Mean Jean can enter our thinking brain and persuade us to make bad choices like using unkind words or unkind actions. We talked about how…