10 Jan

Please Sir, can 9R have some more?!

To begin our first week back of the new year, 9R created an ebook about their Christmas holidays on the iPads. They used some wonderful pictures to show us what they had done. It all looked very fun and exciting! Our new topic is food glorious food. So on Tuesday we watched Oliver. The songs were…

10 Jan

8G Food Technology Week 1- Tomato Spirals (Group 1)

8G started cooking lessons this week. Every week we will take it in turns to cook something as part of our healthy eating topic.

This week it was Group 1's turn to cook. They made tomato spirals with Mrs England and Miss Aindow.

Before they started, everyone washed their hands and put on an…

8 Jan

7R meet Space Invader!

7R are continuing to learn about Superflex and the Unthinkables with Miss Della-Fera on a Wednesday morning. Today we met the “unthinkable”character, Space Invader. We learnt that Space Invader gets too close to people, doesn’t keep his hands to himself, and talks over people. We talked about how…

7 Jan

7G Community Visit Week 1

Today we went on our first walking visit into town for this half term!

Some of us were working on crossing the road safely. We used visuals to help us look left and right, check it was clear, and then cross the road. We were then were looking out for dangers and making sure that we avoided…

7 Jan

7G Winter Walk

Before the Christmas break, 7G were lucky enough to go to Haigh Hall for a lovely winter walk and a play on the park. We had a look around the grounds, looked at what we could see in the environment and then went to play on the park. We did lots of good turn taking, helping each other and…

7 Jan

Oak - A Ha-pea Treat!

Today Oak have been busy in the food-tech room decorating and designing our own ‘evil pea’ biscuits. 

Josh told us that the first thing we needed to do was wash our hands because ‘we don’t want dirty germs on our food’. After we washed our hands we followed through the steps to decorate our…

7 Jan

Another 13th birthday in 8R

Today was Tyler's 13th birthday, we put some banners up in class to surprise him. This afternoon we had birthday cake and sang Happy birthday to him. Tyler took the leftover cake home to share with his family.


7 Jan

Bring on 2020 in 8G!

Welcome back to the new Spring term and Happy New Year :-)

8G have got off to a flying start on our new theme of ‘Doctor, Doctor’. Monday morning started with a warm welcome back and sharing all our exciting news from over the holidays.

We then turned our thinking brains back on after the…

6 Jan

Oak Class are Back in Action

What a fabulous first day back after the Christmas break. We have had a fantastic morning in Oak, reading the book Supertato! We all did super looking and found the evil pea hiding in the pictures. 

We then got busy in our learning areas, making our very own super-veggies with playdough,…

6 Jan

Chorley Surgery Art Competition 8R

Today we have been busy creating some artwork to enter a competition at The Chorley Surgery. We had previously worked on a plan but today was the final product. The artwork has to be based around Positive Health and Wellbeing. Some of us made adjustments to our original plans and added lots more…

2 Jan

10G Spring Newsletter 2020

Welcome back to Astley Park everyone!! It was lovely to listen to the students talking about their Christmas presents and holidays.

We have another action packed term coming up and obviously the current buzz word is "residential. " Both staff and students are gearing up towards a fantastic week…

20 Dec

Happy Birthday Hayden!

Happy Birthday Hayden. We hope you had a lovely day, we enjoyed eating cake and singing to you.


Miss Robertson, Miss Holden