10 Nov

8P A busy week 10/11/23

The pupils and staff in 8P have enjoyed a very busy, but enjoyable week.

We all helped to create a banner to go up in the hall for the Halloween disco.

During our food technology lesson, we followed both written, and verbal instructions, on how to make toast and jam, and the end result was…

10 Nov

Diwali celebrations and Remembrance Day in Beech

This week Beech class have explored Diwali and Remembrance Day.

We started the week celebrating Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. We made salt dough tea lights, decorated them with paint and glitter, and decorated Mendhi handprints.

For remembrance day, we made poppies with paper plates,…

10 Nov

Rowan Class explore Autumn

We have had a lovely week exploring all things Autumn in Rowan Class.

Making chocolate apples in cooking, counting pumpkins, creating brilliant sentences about our Autumn sensory story and enjoying lots of time outside looking for signs of Autumn.

We continue to make lots of progress with…

10 Nov

Halloween and Fireworks in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class learners have had a lovely week exploring bonfire night through Attention Autism sessions, creative tasks and food tech. We have been creating our own fire work pictures, focussing our attention,choosing colours and make making tools. We enjoyed dipping breadsticks into melted…

8 Nov

The Halloween Disco!

Last night we had our Halloween disco! 11R and 11G have been busy getting ready for the past couple of weeks, choosing jobs and selling tickets. In the afternoon, 11R were busy finishing off some decorations for the hall, where we then joined 11G in decorating to make it nice and spooky for after…

7 Nov

Maple celebrate Halloween and Bonfire Night!

Maple class had a great start to school! We have celebrated Halloween and Bonfire night, some of us also had our first trip to Space Centre. 

We engaged in Halloween sensory play and engaged with a bonfire night sensology session. We explored bonfire night colours, taste, smells, sounds and…

7 Nov

9A Autumn 2- Week 2

9A’s Blog in the learners own words. 

On Monday morning we looked at numbers in maths and some problem solving. In My Communication we started writing our own stories about a planet we have invented. We are learning about death and funerals in Understanding the World. It Has Been Raining All…

6 Nov

Sycamore’s Sparkler Safety Session

This morning in Sycamore Class we have discussed and put into practice ‘Sparkler Safety’

Our rules to follow to stay safe:

  • Wear gloves
  • Keep lit sparklers at arms length
  • Don’t put the sparkler on the floor
  • Keep 2 metres away from other people
  • An adult needs to light the…
6 Nov

11R Go to the Gym

Today 11R had their first gym session, led by Mr Murphy, as part of learning about about healthy lifestyles. We got the minibus to the gym this morning as it was raining quite hard and we didn't want to start the day off soaking wet. We went into the gym and everyone was a little bit nervous…

6 Nov

Chill and Chat - Wreath Making

We have recently held our first Chill and Chat of the year. I think you will agree, looking at the pictures it was a huge success, with parents and carers showing off their creative skills. It was lovely to meet some of our new parents and carers to school and chat with each other over tea and…

6 Nov

Oak class celebrate Halloween and Bonfire night

We’ve had a busy couple of days in oak class this week. 


Some of us visited the park. We did great turn taking with our friends, and super sharing! We played on the see-saw, we went on the swings, we had a great time spinning on the roundabout and we loved taking turns, going down the…

6 Nov

9P enjoy a short week!

This week has been a very short one due to the heating and water issues in school but we have had a busy two days! This term in PE Mr Murphy is teaching us Dance. We all went into the hall and Mr Murphy chose a warm up dance for us to do, we were all certainly warmed up! He then let us chose a…