28 Jun

7P Summer 2 - Week 4

This week has been a hot one, lots of sun cream and sun hats have been needed this week and 7P have enjoyed every second of the nice hot weather. We are super lucky to have our amazing outdoor area, to be able to access the water play to cool us down. 

We have put our rain shakers to good…

28 Jun

Bakers and Builders in Beech

Beech class have had lots of fun learning about more “people who help us”.

Last week we explored ”bakers”. We’ve explored lots of flour, practiced counting “five currant buns”, and made bakers hats! In attention autism, Mrs Barrand also made pancakes and pretend pizzas. 

This week we…

26 Jun

Rosemere Cancer Foundation Colour Dash

10A and 11G took part in a Colour Dash today. We had great fun climbing through foam being sprayed by water pistols and getting covered in lots and lots of coloured paint. We all had a great time whilst we remember that we are raising lots of money for such a good cause ‘Rosemere Cancer…

25 Jun

9A Summer 2 Week 4

These weeks are just flying by - and the warm weather is definitely helping!

This week we have introduced a new regulation slot into out timetable. This involves getting outside and using battle ropes to get us energised in a morning. The learners have enjoyed spending this time outside. In…

24 Jun

10A treasure hunt in Whalley

On Thursday 10A took part in a treasure hunt around the beautiful village of Whalley, we had to work as a team to  read and solve clues. We had to listen really well as the clues were really difficult, we had to use our numeracy skills, and our reading skills to decipher the codes to find the next…

21 Jun

7A - Summer 2 - Week 1, 2 & 3

We have had a very busy start to our last half term in 7A. 


In Week One, we had a school based week, recapping learning and skills from Summer 1. We had big learning focus in surrounding our creative thinking and creative writing skills. We worked in groups to design a group ‘monster’.…

21 Jun

Drowning Prevention Week

Firstly we learnt about the different types of flags we may see when around water they were 4 flags orange windsock, black and white water sports area, red danger, red and yellow lifeguard on duty.

We then listened as the instructor explained how we would help ourselves and others if we…

21 Jun

Nuffield Gym visit school

As part of the school sports week activities Ashley from Nuffield Health Club kindly came to school to deliver a PT for the secondary pupils. 10A are pictured enthusiastically following the training circuit prepared by Ashley, the battle ropes and the body boards were a favourite!! 


21 Jun

Sports week in Willow class

Monday saw the start off sports week.

Willow class started the week off with a yoga class, we practiced our balancing and learned some new stretches.

Willow class then learned more about feels and different feelings that we feel when we are in the yellow zone, willow class came up with…

21 Jun

Fun in the Sun - Rowan Class

We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class - enjoying lots of time outside in the nice weather.

For Sports Week we have enjoyed: yoga, ball skills, swimming (including water safety), dancing and a multi skills session.

Some of us had a brilliant trip to the beach, digging in the sand, making…

21 Jun

7P Summer 2 - Week 3

This week is sports week at Astley Park, and 7P have enjoyed getting into the spirit of sports week. We got to come to school in our sports wear, ready for any activities to participate in. 

On Monday we had a lovely session with an amazing yoga coach in the hall, and all of the children did…

21 Jun

8P Sports Week 2023-2024

8P have had a fantastic week this week. We have participated in lots of different activities throughout the week as parts of our Sports Week! These have included Yoga on Monday, Multisports on Wednesday and Multisports (different activities) on Friday. 

They developed their fundamental…