Merry Christmas from Chestnut Class
What an amazing couple of weeks in Chestnut Class!
Chestnut Class have been busy preparing and packing reindeer food for Santa’s reindeers, enjoying sensory exploration of oaty play dough and creating melting snowmen. Last week we enjoyed having some parents join us to share in our learning…

Breakfast with Santa in sycamore class !
What a wonderful morning . Yummy breakfast treats followed by a visit from Santa and his elf!
sycamore children could hear his bells ringing as he landed.
When he arrived in class the children sat beautifully and waited patiently for him to call their name.
All the children sat next to…

Celebrating Christmas in 10A
What a very busy and fun couple of weeks we have had in 10A celebrating all things Christmas.
we have worked really hard his year and it was time for fun and celebrations, we have enjoyed visits to crazy golf and the Trafford Centre as well as a visit to The Astley for a Christmas lunch. We…

A visit from Santa in Maple Class!
What an exciting day in Maple Class!
We all had a very special breakfast this morning, we ate lots of pastries, brioche and reindeer crumpets! We sat and ate with our friends and then we had a visit from someone very special…. Santa and his elves!
We all spoke to Santa and took it in turns…

Beech class meet Santa!
Beech class have had a very exciting final week of term.
At the start of the week, we dressed up in Christmas costumes and finished our Christmas crafts. We made beautiful salt dough Christmas tree decorations and mixed together our own reindeer food.
On Thursday, we had our breakfast with…
Sharing our Learning - Rowan Class
We have had a lovely afternoon Sharing our Learning today with our friends and family.
Everyone enjoyed lots of Winter crafts, phonics and number activities, sensory circuits and some yummy biscuits.
Thank you all for coming, we really appreciate the support.
Have a lovely weekend…
Oak class celebrate Hanukkah
This week Oak class celebrated the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We looked
at a picture of a Menorah. In Hebrew the word Menorah means lamp and some of us did did some cutting and sticking, we cut out the candles and stuck them onto the menorah.
We also did some Hanukkah colouring pages and…

Willow class have festive fun with Chorley Sports Partnership
On Wednesday, pupils from Willow class attended an Inclusive Festival run by Chorley Sports Partnership at All Seasons Leisure Centre. There were lots of sports to try including dodgeball, volleyball, football and basketball. We also enjoyed dancing to Christmas music and throwing snowballs at the…
8A celebrating Hanukkah
Celebrating Hanukkah in 8A
Today 8A Celebrated Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light.
The learners watched a PowerPoint, telling them what this means, why and how it is celebrated.
Firstly the learners learnt that Hanukkah means “ rededicate” which in turns means to make something…

8P week 7. 15/12/23
It has been a very busy week for the staff and pupils of 8P, taking part in lots of Christmas activities, and getting ready for the big performance next week.
We learnt about Hanukkah which is the Jewish festival of light, we discovered lots of interesting facts about the festival.
Some of…

Hanukkah in 9A
Today in 9A we have been learning about Hanukkah which is the Jewish festival of light. We looked at how Jewish people might celebrate. We learned what the menorah represents and then we made our own menorah lamps. In food tech we had a go at making some Hanukkah sweets. Everyone thought they were…

Happy Hanukkah from 10A
Today 10A have been learning all things Hannukah. We all took part in preparing a potato latkes These potato pancakes (called latkes) are meant to symbolize the miracle of Hanukkah, we all had a good try at peeling, grating, mixing and cooking our Latkes. We all enjoyed eating them, they reminded…