30 Mar

9As Bunny Cupcakes

I bet you all “carrot” wait for the Easter holidays. 


In our last week of this term, 9A in their cooking activity made cupcakes that they designed into bunnies. 

We split the class into two groups. We had the green cupcake team and the blue cupcake team. 

Both teams showed our school…

30 Mar

Willow Class Meet Miss Walkden!

On Monday, Willow had a very special visitor in class - Miss Walkden! 

Willow Class had great fun meeting their new teacher, asking questions in circle time and sharing learning activities. 

Miss Walkden will be joining the Willow Class team after the Easter Holidays, working Monday, Tuesday…

30 Mar

Milkshakes in Willow Class

This term Willow Class have been learning about kitchen safety during our cooking lessons. We have been thinking about risks and hazards in the kitchen and how we can keep ourselves safe.

For a treat before the Easter break, our cooking group made milkshakes! We followed a recipe and used the…

29 Mar

11R Sponsored swim 2023


Congratulations to 11R

After lots of hard work, 11R are pleased to inform you that they took part in the sponsored swim today.

Swimming over 250 lengths, AMAZING!

The journey back to school was very quiet, as sleep filled the bus! 

All money raised is being used to help with…

29 Mar

Easter Activities in Beech Class

Beech Class have been getting ready for Easter with lots of fun activities. 
We have explored some fantastic sensory trays such as decorating a big Easter egg, a rice crispy bunny, a carrot patch, and surprise eggs. 

We have also been making lots of lovely things for our Easter bags to take…

27 Mar

Chestnut Class get back in action

Good afternoon,


What another action packed week it’s been in Chestnut Class. As it’s a new term we have begun the topic ‘Down on the Farm’. The pupils have enjoyed exploring farm animals toys and singing ‘Old McDonald had a farm’. 


We have also celebrated Eid-al-fitr. The pupils…

27 Mar

Hoppy Easter!

What a busy term we have had!

The gentlemen in Oak Class have made great progress, the staff team are very proud!

This week we have followed communication board instructions to get creative with Easter crafts and treats. Group 2 also enjoyed swimming on Monday morning.

Our daily relax…

24 Mar

What a Wonderful Week in 8A

Well what another wonderful week we have had in 8A. Miss Bentham has been working hard teaching us how to keep ourselves safe online. Some of the pupils were shocked to learn that Alexa listens to everything we say and will link to our phones or iPads to try and persuade us to buy things Alexa has…

24 Mar

10G Spring Week 11 with visit to Runshaw College

Good afternoon and a very happy Friday to you all! It has been another crazy week in 10G, I am beginning to think that every week is a bit crazy in 10G at the moment!

On Monday morning we had a bit of a dilemma with the minibuses and unfortunately, we were told that 10G couldn’t go to the…

24 Mar

Rowan Class become Lifeguards

Rowan Class have continued the topic, 'Emergency Emergency Emergency' by exploring the work of Lifeguards.

We were shown equipment in the pool and how it is used to keep us safe. We then matched words to the equipment in class. We had lots of fun dressing up as Lifeguards, and exploring role…

24 Mar

11G Spring 2, week 5

11G have been busy finishing off their ASDAN work this week and tying up any loose ends. They have all worked extremely hard and we are so proud of them.


On Monday as always we caught up on weekend news, all the pupils had a busy weekend. Everyone was able to tell their friends what they…

24 Mar

Busy Few Weeks in 7P

We have had a busy few weeks in 7P.

Last week we celebrated British Science Week by carrying out an experiment with cups and string. We found this really funny especially when we went outside with the really long string! We could hear our friends through the cups very loudly and we tried to…