26 Apr

11R’s First visit to Borwick Hall


What a day we had !

We had packed our rucksacks and walking boots were on, Borwick Hall here we come!

Excitement filled the bus as we chatted to each other.

On arrive, we met the team and had a tour around the site.

Our first activity was to follow a map of the site and find and…

26 Apr

My Choices and Earth Day in 10R

Today in KS4 it was our second 'My Choices' day and this time were centring it around Earth Day. In the morning we watched a video that told us all about Earth Day - when it was, when it was created and why we celebrate this event. We learnt different ways we can help our planet, including…

26 Apr

Sycamore chicks! Setting up the brooding area!

As the chicks began to hatch, it was time to set up their home. This is called brooding. 
All the children took turns to help build the brooding pen for the chicks. 

What good team work sycamore class! 

In the brooding pen, the chicks have a heater to keep them warm, lots of hay, water for…

26 Apr

Chick update! We’re Hatching!

Wow! We have life! Some of the eggs have started to hatch. Our first chick is a beautiful yellow colour - we have named the first chick Becca. Followed by chick number 2 which is brown, then chick number 3 very closely after is a lovely grey. Chick number 4 took its time to make an appearance but…

26 Apr

Eggciting news in Sycamore!!

On Tuesday this week in Sycamore class we had some very exciting arrivals. 

Miss Molloy and the children in Sycamore class have been doing lots of research about how to care for animals and what animals need. This week we are going to put our learning to the test. 

Real chickens to care…

25 Apr

Beech Class Celebrate Earth Day

Yesterday, Beech Class celebrated Earth day. 
We did a What’s in the Box where Mrs Barrand made Earth, using paint, sprinkles and sand. 
We then all had a turn at making our own. 
Later in the afternoon we went for a walk down in the woods. We looked at our surroundings and explored the…

24 Apr

Hands on for Earth Day in 7A.

Today we have learnt all about Earth Day.

We celebrate Earth Day to show how much we care about the Earth.

7A looked at a presentation about Earth Day 2023. They discussed all the different things we could do to help look after Earth, from recycling, walking instead of travelling by car or…

24 Apr

Eid Mubarak

On Thursday and Friday, we celebrated Eid across school.

Eid marks the end of the month long fast, Ramadan.

To celebrate each class held their own feast. Primary pupils used communication boards to request preferred items. Secondary pupils stepped out of their comfort zones and took the…

23 Apr

10G are straight back to work Summer Week 1

A very big welcome back to all in 10G this week, we hope everyone has had a lovely Easter break and is raring to get going for our last term in 10G! Looking back at the photos for this week, I can’t actually believe how much we seem to have crammed into one week.

On Monday morning, everyone was…

22 Apr

Chestnut get back into the swing of things


What another action packed week it’s been in Chestnut Class. As it’s a new term we have begun the topic ‘Down on the Farm’. The pupils have enjoyed exploring farm animals toys and singing ‘Old McDonald had a farm’. 


We have also celebrated Eid-al-fitr. The pupils where given the…

21 Apr

8A Fun Filled Week.

We all returned after the Easter Break ready to get back into lessons. What a fun filled and packed week Miss Bentham had in store for us. 
Our community groups have now changed and we are going out as a full class once a week. This half term we will be visiting Withy Grove Park in Bamber…

21 Apr

8A Bowling Kings!

8A represented Astley Park in the Chorley High School Bowling competition this week. The event was organised by Chorley Sports Partnership and was held at Escape Entertainment Chorley. We were put into 2 teams  and took over lanes 5 and 6. Our Team Managers were Mr Crew and Mrs Devlin, who aren’t…