Chestnut Class Week 5
This week Chestnut Class learners have been continuing to explore different toys and play skills as part of our topic, ‘In the Toy box’. The focus has been ‘dollies’ and we have been modelling different verbs relating to our interactions with these. We have enjoyed Attention Autism sessions to…

Macmillan Coffee Morning with 11R
On Friday morning we had Macmillan Coffee Morning in school. As part of their Young Enterprise ASDAN unit, 11R were helping to run it, doing various jobs and roles throughout the morning.
We helped serve both the drinks and the cake to our learners and their parents and guardians. We had talked…

8P Busy week 29/9/23
This week has been very busy but also enjoyable for the pupils and staff in 8P.
We have all been working hard during Phonics and English, concentrating on letter formation.
Our music and dance session was a great success as we took turns beating out a tune on a drum, and then making up our…

Willow class - week 4
It’s been another fantastic week in Willow class. The children have been busy taking part in lots of money related activities including playing money bingo, role play in our toy shop and coin matching games.
Everyone loved mixing paint and making splatter pictures with colours appropriate to…

11G Autumn Week 4 2023
Apologies to everyone for the lack of blog last week. 11G’s curriculum newsletter was sent out last week, either via email or a paper copy. Please read and familiarise yourself with the things we will be doing this half term.
A massive plea, please can everyone try and take at least one…

10A Enjoy MacMillan Coffee Morning
This week at Astley Park School we held a MacMillan coffee morning. 10A class got fully involved, and earlier in the week everyone in class created a poster to advertise the event. The pupils did some brilliant work and made sure to include all the required information, and some lovely…

8As Jeans for Genes Days and MacMillan Coffee Morning
This Friday, the school celebrated Jeans for Genes Day. It’s so nice seeing the pupils coming in with their own clothes on in support of the charity. The staff had their jeans on today too.
The learners looked at the PowerPoint explaining about why we have Jeans for Genes day. The…

Cakes and Jeans in Rowan Class
We have been supporting both Jeans for Genes Day and Macmillan Coffee Morning in Rowan Class.
We enjoyed some lovely cakes at snack time and used some great communication to request the different coloured cakes.
We designed jeans and decorated them and found lots of words beginning with the…

8As Solar system cakes
Just wanted to show you the great baking 8A has been this week in our Food Technology lesson. Ethan’s mum donated three Solar System cake mixes, (Thank you again).
The class mixed up the cake mix and made some amazing cakes. We made sure to measure the milk, eggs and butter accurately…

Fun times and MacMillan Coffee Morning in 9A
9A have been learning to work on our independence skills by using the work stations again. We are gaining more confident at this and making our teachers proud. We have continued to explore To Infinity and Beyond and have looked at the story and film of Hidden Figures and the life of Neil…

Goldilocks and the three bears in Beech 2023
Beech class have had another lovely week exploring bears.
This week we have focused on Goldilocks and the three bears. We’ve painted daddy bear’s face, counted the three different sized bowls, chairs and beds, and mixed together some porridge for them!
On Friday, we wore our jeans in honour…

Jeans for Genes Day 2023
On Friday children and staff were invited to wear jeans or blue clothing to help raise awareness and funding for genetic conditions. Classes all across school engaged in ways meaningful to them, from Jean based crafts and sensory stories, coloured themed Attention Autism to circle time…