11R Go to Chorley in Bloom
Yesterday 11R had their first visit to Chorley in Bloom! We walked from school to the main site and met the volunteers who would be helping us during our sessions.
Iris sat us down and talked through some basic safety instructions we would need to follow whilst on site; including no running and…

11R Make Breakfast for 11G!
This morning 11R made bacon butties for 11G as part of their Young Enterprise PSD unit. Last week we planned out what we would need; both the equipment and the ingredients, and talked through the method of making a bacon butty.
Yesterday afternoon, we had a practice go at making them, learning…

7P Week 2 Autumn 1
7P had another great week.
We really got into our routine this week and started to show the teachers in 7P how good we are. This week we have demonstrated our independence skills by making fruit kebabs in cooking. We all had a go at this and even if we didn’t want to eat it we persevered and…

8P Week 2 - what a great week!
8P had a fantastic second week back!
This week, we…
- Learnt about Smashing stereotypes
- Learnt about Florence Nightingale
- Were assessed by Miss Buck on reading and writing letters
- Were assessed by Miss Buck on reading and writing numbers to 10/20
- Continued to participate…

Another fun week for Willow. 15/9/23
It has been a very busy and enjoyable second week in Willow class as we have all been learning lots of new things and building up friendships within class.
We all enjoyed making salt dough which was very messy but great fun, especially when we turned the salt dough into our very own hedgehogs…

11G Week 2 Autumn Term
We have had a busy second week back this week and hope everyone is ready to ramp things up again next week as we properly get back into our full timetable of lessons!
On Monday morning we voted for our new class councillors. Clayton volunteered to be deputy and Lily and Katie both volunteered…

9P have settled back into school life.
This week 9P have been busy bee’s.
We have been working extremely hard on our conversation and writing skills, using our chatter mats, soundswrite and playing Guess Who!
On Tuesday and Wednesday we split into our groups and went to Asda, we took turns in getting items off the shopping list,…

Week 2 in Rowan Class
We have had a very busy week in Rowan Class.
We have explored textures in My Creativity - making ice creams and flowers with smooth and rough materials. We have used some brilliant communication to comment on fruits we like and enjoyed making cakes in cooking, using some fantastic problem…

7A week 2
On Monday 7A had their P.E lesson. We had a go at working as a team during the parachute game. Everyone worked really well, following instructions and working together.
On Tuesday everyone in class worked together to make a healthy fruit salad. We all took turns at chopping and peeling and…

8A Vision Boards
This week, 8A has been looking at “Vision Boards”.
The class firstly spoke about what they want to achieve this school year, either at school or at home.
The class then looked at different areas of vision. We looked at what the learners are grateful for, self-care ideas, a phrase or…

Week 2 in Sycamore!
What a busy week! This week we have been focusing on friendships and feelings. The children have made some friendship soup. The children choose what quality they like to have in a friend and we added that with some food colouring to our super friendship soup.
We have all worked really hard…

9A Goes Bananas
We have had another fantastic week in 9A this week. On Monday we painted our papier-mâché planets and they are looking great. Tuesday we went on a wet walk through the woods at Haigh hall where all the pupils loved looking out for woodland creatures and exploring. On Wednesday we had our first…