Black History Month
Black History Month is celebrated in October in the UK and Astley Park School is proud to celebrate Black History Month with a focus on, 'Saluting our Sisters'. This is intended to build awareness, educate and share lived experiences of Black women. The theme of ‘Saluting our Sisters’ highlights…

10A make Lungs!
On Tuesday 10A were able look at how the Lungs work in the body. We were able to follow on from learning about the Heart last week.
We recapped about the Heart and what its function is in the body and continued to look at the function of the Lungs. Everyone was able to make their own Lung…

Key Stage 4 Duke of Edinburgh Training Day
Today in Key Stage 4 we have held our training day in preparation of our Bendrigg Trust visit in November. Throughout the day we’ve had a carousel of activities that all classes have taken part in. These have been:
First Aid with Mrs Jones who very kindly talked us through lots of useful…

Week 7 9A
Last week in school, we are all ready for a rest after a busy half-term.
On Monday morning the learners started to create their own Kahoot! Quiz about the things they have learnt over the last half term. In My Thinking and Problem Solving we played a game to work on our number value and…

Week 6 in Sycamore !
What a fantastic week in Sycamore.
Super reading and phonics this week working on the ‘ee’ sound for some of our learners.
A lovely story in our woodland outdoor space.
The children have worked hard to follow patterns and rhythms in music this week.
Super PE lesson on Thursday continuing…

Rowan autumn term week 6
Rowan class have all worked so hard this week. We have been to the park continuing our travel training skills. We have made biscuits and used our creative skills to turn them into some very cute hedgehogs, they were delicious! We also enjoyed our music lesson, lots of us liked the recorder and…

8A Rocket Making
Rocket making in 8A.
As our topic is “Space”, 8A was given a sheet to jot down ideas to design their very our Rocket.
The learners were given ideas on different materials they could use when they started to make their Rocket.
The learners then drew their design out on paper,…

Week 6 in Willow class
We’ve had a fantastic time in Willow class this week.
We’ve continued exploring puppets as part of our Toybox topic and whilst half of the children were swimming, the others planned and performed their own puppet shows.
We had a maths challenge this week when Mrs Mahood brought in a big…

8P Autumn 1, Week 6 ☺️
We’ve had a fantastic week again! We have enjoyed activities linked to Halloween this week. The activities we’ve done this week include:
- Attention Autism sessions (what’s in the box)
- Carousels of activities
- Cooking (jam/chocolate spread…

Oak Class have been busy!
We have been very busy this week in Oak class!
We have been in the Sensory room, we have made some yummy angel delight, we’ve been to Asda, we’ve been to the park, we’ve dressed as superhero’s, we have taken selfies with our friends, we have done some Halloween painting. Despite all the fun we…

Exploring Autumn in Beech
Beech class have had a busy week exploring all things Autumn!
We’ve enjoyed lots of creative activities this week, making sun catchers, playdoh hedgehogs, leaf paint prints, and finger print trees!
With the changing of the seasons, we’ve been on lots of Autumnal walks around the school field…

Week 6 in Chestnut Class
This week Chestnut learners have explored all things ‘Autumn’. During daily Attention Autism sessions we have been anticipating and tracking exciting items from the bucket and during Stage 2 have been focussing our attention further to watch confetti fall like the leaves from the trees, a flour…