7A Happy Birthday
Happy 12th birthday to our very own Ruby.
Hope you had a fabulous time celebrating your birthday with your friends in 7A.

Holly’s Birthday in Willow class
Holly had a great time celebrating her birthday with her friends in Willow class this week! We had lots of fun playing party games and eating yummy cake. Happy 11th Birthday Holly!

Rose turns 16
On Friday 11G went bowling for Rose’s 16th birthday. As always everyone enjoyed the hospitality at Escape Venue, especially the yummy food.
We were BOWLED over by the wonderful manners of each and every member of the class, making us proud as always.
We had a fantastic time!
A big…

7P go to Space
7P were very lucky on Friday and went to the space centre in Preston! We had a great time exploring the sensory room, going on the slide, playing music, getting in the pool pit and chilling out with our friends. We ended the session with a 10 minute relax before returning to school!

A busy week in Rowan Class
We have had an incredibly busy Summer 2 Week 4 in Rowan Class.
We continue to watch out caterpillars turn into butterflies, and this has given us lots of motivating learning opportunities across the curriculum.
Our visits to Asda and the park continue, and we are showing fantastic progress…

11G Fundraising Hero’s
As you may remember 11G did a Triathlon a few months ago to raise money for Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
Today a lady called Yvonne from the charity came to school to take some photographs and to collect the sponsorship money.
We raised £600 for this wonderful charity.
11G you are…

9A Handball
9A completed their unit on Handball this week!
This unit has included them learning handball skills, including:
- defending e.g. making themself bigger so the attacker can’t get past
(also learning how to protect the ball and the goal)
- attacking e.g. how to shoot
7A birthday
Happy birthday to our very own Izz who celebrated her 12th birthday yesterday.
This coincided with our class trip to Legoland and we all had a fabulous time.
Splish Splash, 10G were having a laugh (at Happy Mount Park)
On Wednesday, 10G boarded the school minibus and Mrs Cobham drove us all the way up the M6 to Happy Mount Park in Morecambe. The weather was grey and miserable, but that didn't stop us from having lots of fun. The man from the council was waiting patiently for us at the gate for the splash park…

Great work in 8P.
8P have had another fantastic week!
In our music lesson this week we have been learning about musical notes. We learnt all about crochets and quavers ( not the cheesy crisps)
We watched a video called ‘Music with Meg’. She talked about beats and showed us what they looked like and clapped…

7A Legoland 29/6/23
7A enjoyed a wonderful experience at Legoland in Manchester yesterday. Lots of fun was had and the pupils enjoyed playing with a fantastic assortment of Lego pieces, visiting the Lego interactive 3D cinema, riding on a Lego train trying to find the baddies hiding around the track and trying out a…

Zoo animals in Beech Class
In Beech class this week we have been learning about zoo animals!
Mrs Barrand began by reading the “Dear Zoo” story and acting out all the animals. In our tuff trays we have made black and white striped zebra slime, pretended to be monkeys using masks, explored a cereal giraffe, and matched…