22 Mar

Leon’s 10th birthday

On Tuesday Leon celebrated his 10th birthday.

Willow class had great fun helping Leon celebrate, we danced, played musical statues and enjoyed lot’s of yummy party snacks.

Leon was very excited for his friends to sing happy birthday to him and to blow his candles out on his cake.


20 Mar

11R Celebrate Mothers Day

We are all very appreciative of our mums in 11R and have enjoyed celebrating this special day!

Most of us enjoyed take out food or Sunday Roasts whilst spending time with our families, one lucky pupil went away to a caravan with a hot tub with his family! Another pupil didn’t think that she…

17 Mar

8A Make Predictions and Cakes

Well this week began with a visit from Mr Welsh and Miss  Wells. They were able to watch us make predictions about our bodies. Can taller people jump the farthest? We measured everyone’s height and then got everyone to jump as far as they could and measured the distance. 8A made sure Mr Welsh and…

17 Mar

10G Spring Week 10

What a strange week it has been this week with only being in for 3 days! Apologies for the lack of photos.

On Monday we went swimming again at Hindley swimming pool. We are getting into a good routine with swimming now and we are very proud of the distance that pupils are covering with their…

17 Mar

11G Week 4 and Red Nose Day

This week 11G have been busy finishing their ASDAN work. 

On Monday in maths they looked at measuring and the different ways to measure liquids and solids. 

The class watched the start of The BFG as this is the book they will be looking at this half term. We made some frobscottle, the BFG’s…

17 Mar

A Busy Week in Beech Class

We have had a super busy week in Beech class. 
On Tuesday we made our Mother’s Day cards. We created lots of finger prints using green and pink paint and then turned these into a flower. 
On Wednesday we all worked together to make some yummy, heart shaped biscuits for our Mummy’s. We mixed all…

17 Mar

Week 4 in 10R!

10R have had another busy week this week. We continued our topic of forces with Miss Anderton and we had a look at how to measure forces with newtons using a Newton meter. We had lots of fun using the apples and bouncing them around class.

After a couple of days off, we had a jam packed Friday!…

17 Mar

Mr Men, Little Misses and eco warriors in 7A!

This week we have been very busy in 7A.

On Monday we worked very hard on our number skills and also made some lovely Mothers Day cards, we hope you like them as much as we enjoyed making them! 

In Mrs Wells lesson on Wednesday we talked about our picture frames and what they would look like,…

17 Mar

11R celebrate finishing their exams for this half term.


What a half term 11R have had. We have been doing our exams!
Here are some of 11Rs thoughts on our exams that we have been doin- 

Sarah…. Glad I’ve done some now!

Malachi… Bit stressed but glad they are over for this half term.

Tyler…Ok, but l did get up and have a little walk…

17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…

16 Mar

Another action packed week for the Super Chestnut Class

Good afternoon all,

Wow! I can’t believe what we have managed to squeeze in this week. All the pupils have been busy working on their communication skills by making requests, some have even been travelling with their PECs book to ask their adults for their motivating items. 

This week we…

16 Mar

Bikes in Sycamore class!

What a fun afternoon we had today in Sycamore class. After playtime we went on the bikes. We put our helmets on and had a big ride on the bikes in the cage.

We then needed to follow positional instructions as Mr Flavell held up STOP, GO and REVERSE signs. Whilst we was riding our bikes we…