8P enjoy Farmfest 2023
This week in 8P we enjoyed Farmfest.
Allday Farm visited school and bought lots of different animals in for everyone to see, there were lambs, sheep and a pony outside on the field. A few of us had some great questions for the farmer about the animals, where they live, how old they were, what…

10G Summer term Week 7
Welcome back for our last half term of the school year!!
It has been a hot and sweaty week this week, but we haven’t let that stop us from doing lots of hard work.
Our Healthy Living theme continues this half term. We are continuing to get our extra movement in every day by using our smart…

9As Muffin Making
So this Tuesday was our first time in making Muffins
Over the next 7 weeks, we will make different types of fillings for our muffins. We have chosen to used White Chocolate Chip, Milk Chocolate Chip, Cheese ( as a savoury option), raspberries and blueberries.
This week we did Milk…

Rowan Class Farm Fest!
Rowan Class have had a brilliant day at Astley Park School Farm Fest!
We met some lovely new animal friends: goats, sheep and a pony called Pudding.
In the hall we shared our learning with our friends and families - we are all so proud of our work this term!
We then met some small animal…

Maple Class enjoy Farm Fest!
This week Maple have been busy getting ready for Farm Fest! We have been enjoying The Little Red Hen and making farm animals from the story including sheep and hens.
We have been counting spots on cows to help us with our accuracy and making sentences using Colourful Semantics to help us with…

7P Farm Fest
7P were super brave today having a go at stroking the animals that were in school for Farm Fest! Well done 7P!

Beech class Farm Fest
In preparation for farm fest, Beech class have been exploring farmyard animals this week!
We have made red hens and fuzzy sheep, sang “Old MacDonald”, and matched animals to the sounds they make.
On Friday we had so much fun at farm fest! We all went on a walk to meet the farm animals on…

9A Creative Space Centre visit
On Friday afternoon this week, 9A enjoyed visiting the Creative Space Centre in Preston. They loved having a two-tier sensory room to themselves, which included:
- large slide
- dark den
- ball pool
- musical steps
- massage chair
- other comfortable seating
- roller
- calming…

Cricket, Vegetables and Animals in 8A
Well what a great first week back in the sunshine we’ve had. Our vegetables and herbs have really grown and some were even ready for picking. Look at our radishes!
We began our week with our swimming lessons back at Hindley and then drove straight to Lytham St Anne’s beach. We made sure we had…

Sycamore Farm Fest !!!
Farm Fest Success !
It was lovely to see so many children exploring and engaging . Thank you to all the parents that were able to make it into school to share this experience with the children .
All of the children had the best time and reached out if their comfort zones , holding…

A busy first week back in Sycamore !
Welcome back !
Syacmore class have come back ready to hit the ground running .
This week in PE we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills working towards a full game of rounders .
In music this week the children have amazed all staff with their knowledge of…

10R Summer 2 Week 1
10R have had a busy first week back after half-term! We jumped right into things on Monday, starting off with Maths in the morning, where we continued to learn about time and how to read a clock. In the afternoon we had a small game of rounders before it got too hot to continue, so we decided to…