10A make Lungs!
On Tuesday 10A were able look at how the Lungs work in the body. We were able to follow on from learning about the Heart last week.
We recapped about the Heart and what its function is in the body and continued to look at the function of the Lungs. Everyone was able to make their own Lung…
Key Stage 4 Duke of Edinburgh Training Day
Today in Key Stage 4 we have held our training day in preparation of our Bendrigg Trust visit in November. Throughout the day we’ve had a carousel of activities that all classes have taken part in. These have been:
First Aid with Mrs Jones who very kindly talked us through lots of useful…
10A Make Healthy Choices
As part of ASDAN, 10A were asked last week to make a choice to make them healthier. The pupils could pick between going to the gym or making healthy food.
On Thursday afternoon, the pupils who had picked the gym went and explored some of the equipment. The pupils used the treadmill, the cross…
10A Enjoy MacMillan Coffee Morning
This week at Astley Park School we held a MacMillan coffee morning. 10A class got fully involved, and earlier in the week everyone in class created a poster to advertise the event. The pupils did some brilliant work and made sure to include all the required information, and some lovely…
10A Start our Community Visits
This week 10A went on the first of our weekly community visits into Chorley town centre.
To start off, we cleared some room in class, and kindly donated some unwanted books to a local charity shop. Everyone was very sensible and mature, carrying a bag full of books each.
We then had a walk to…
10A Play Hockey
In this weeks P.E lesson, 10A learnt how to play hockey. To start, they played a warm up game. Mrs Tolan then showed the pupils the correct way to hold the hockey stick and how to pass the ball. The pupils practiced pushing the ball with the stick. They then passed the ball to their partner, using…
10A start the year thinking about their healthy lifestyle choices!
Welcome to 10A!
As part of ASDAN we are learning about healthy lifestyles, so today we did some activities about this. We split the class in two and one group went to the food tech room and made frozen fruit kebabs. This involved the pupils identifying different fruit and then cutting them…