10A have lunch at Papa Luigis
As part of our ongoing learning about independence and independent living we have been working on our social eating skills, practicing skills such as setting the table, serving each others lunches, eating together as a group and socialising with our friends.
To extend this we had a visit to…

10A Bikeability
Over 2 days last week some pupils in 10A took part in Bikeability.
As part of the qualification the pupils were asked to identify and respond to hazards
Start and stop on-road journeys
Maintain suitable riding positions
Comply with signals, signs and road markings
Communicate with…

Nuffield Health Centre
After a short warmup activity with Ashley the group started their circuit of gym equipment. Ashley observed that the group have made great progress in both using the equipment and in the level of intensity. The sledge posed an excellent challenge and each member chose the additional weight they…

10A Orienteering in Worden Park
On Thursday we enjoyed an afternoon orienteering around Worden Park.
Before we left we learnt compass markings and how to orientate the map.
Once we got to Worden Park we split into our groups and had a great time in the sunshine using our maps to locate the stations
We then took it in…

Mrs Crouch visits 10A with her baby.
10A have been learning Parenting Awareness as part of our ASDAN studies- and this week we have had a visit from Mrs Crouch and her baby!
We asked her lots of questions- and all came to the conclusion that babies can be very expensive, and are very demanding but they are also lots of…

Independence in 10A
A busy few weeks in 10A. We are practicing our independence living skills as we are now preparing for leaving school and moving into the adult world.
As part of this learning we have all been allocated jobs to do in class, these involve activities such as washing pots, cleaning tables before…
Nuffield Health Centre
In the second week at Nuffield Ashley introduced a new member of the PT team Luke who has starting work at the gym. Ashley put the group through their paces on the training circuit and they all worked extremely hard. The group remembered all the equipment they had used last week and what exercise…

Boxercise with 10A
This half term 10A are accessing Boxercise first thing on a Monday morning!! which is being delivered by Gary from CSSP. With no idea what was involved the class met Gary in the school hall and after a short warmup and stretching activity start the session.
Gary introduced the pupils…

KS4 Visit Chorley Hospital
This week KS4 started their work experience at Chorley Hospital. Year 11 and year 10 students headed off to the Life Centre where we met Karen, who would be showing us round and leading the sessions while we are there. We started off by going through what each week would look like before Karen…

Nuffield Health Centre
Today at Nuffield the group met Luke a trainee PT who was working with Ashley. After the warm up exercises the group moved to the treadmill for a 5 min workout, they all remembered to attach the emergency tag something learnt from our visit to All Seasons Leisure Centre.
Ashley then asked the…

Careers week with 10A
A very exciting week in 10A for careers week.
We were very lucky to receive a talk from past pupils of Astley Park, they each told us about their experiences since leaving school and entering into college or work. There were some very interesting stories and we had the opportunity to ask…

10A Nuffield Health Centre Enrichment Programme week 2
This week at the Nuffield Gym Ashley the Personal Trainer had designed a training circuit for the pupils to attempt. The circuit was a combination of a seating weight lift, rowing machine, ski pull, sledge push and lunges. Ashley timed the pupils on each activity and when directed they rotated…