5 Nov

Year 11 Discuss the US election

Today in Year 11 we have been looking at a very relevant news story, the election in the USA.

We discussed who the presidential candidates were and we looked at their policies. We then had a discussion about who we thought we would vote for. After discussing their manifesto we then voted. It…

16 Oct

A busy term in 11A

What a busy first term of year 11. We have become budding business owners with our own company E.A.T Eleven A Team providing a tuck shop and bacon butty delivery service for the staff of school, what a challenge this has been but 11A have risen to the challenge as always.

We have also been…

25 Sep

Y11 Enterprise- Staff Tuck Shop

Our first staff tuck shop was a resounding success!

As part of our enterprise we have been learning about starting and running a small business! We’ve talked about all of the different roles involved- purchasing, advertising, finances etc.

Our tuck shop is open every Wednesday afternoon…

20 Sep

Teddy gets a letter from The King

Whilst writing his invitations for the MacMillan Coffee Morning Teddy asked if he could send one to The King, Mrs Banks thought this was a great idea and so Teddy began to design an invitation specifically for The King. Teddy even wrote his own envelope addressed to The King, Buckingham…

13 Sep

YR11 Young Enterprise

As part of our new school year we are embarking on our Young Enterprise experience. 
As part of this we have had to create a company, this involved a board meeting where we discussed job roles, we then had to decide what roles we would like to apply for and have a small interview to say how we…