18 Nov

It’s good to be a friend

This week we have been celebrating friendship week. We have been talking about what it means to be a friend and have discussed the different qualities that each of us have.

On Monday this week we wore odd socks to show that everyone is different. The learners in class designed and coloured…

4 Nov

11G’s Awesome First Week Back

Wow 11G what a busy week back!!!!
On Monday morning we told our friends what we had been up to in the holidays, we all had a super week off and came back rested ready for lots of hard work. In the afternoon we looked at safety around the home, everyone had some ideas how to keep themselves safe…

20 Oct

11G get spooky

Today in 11G we have been getting ready for the Halloween Disco. Everyone in class has embraced the spookiness.

We have been pumpkin carving and some of us absolutely loved getting messy, slimy hands inside the pumpkin. Yuk!

We have had so much fun dressing up in spooky, scary Halloween…

14 Oct

Week 6 11G

Wow! What another busy week in 11G. We have been continuing with our Duke of Edinburgh work this week. For the physical element we have been visiting the gym weekly. The learners never fail to amaze us with their perseverance and have shown huge improvements each week. The volunteering element has…

12 Oct

Our First 'Chill and Chat' Session

Our first 'Chill and Chat' session took place yesterday. It was lovely for parents/carers to have the opportunity to chat together over a cup of coffee and slice of cake.


Our next get together will take place on 6th December at 1:00pm. Further details to follow.


Hope to see you all…

30 Sep

Week 4 in 11G

We’ve been very busy this week in 11G. On Monday we celebrated Charlie’s16th birthday, we sang to him and had a chocolate caterpillar cake. 
On Tuesday we talked about personal hygiene and the importance of keeping our mouths and teeth clean and healthy. We all brushed our teeth with our own…

23 Sep

11G visit the gym

As part of Duke of Edinburgh award the learners will be undertaking many different activities to enable them to achieve their award.

Every week we will be visiting the gym to cover the physical element of the award. Everyone in 11G have worked so hard in the gym already and have amazed us with…

16 Sep

Coffee Morning Raffle Draw

A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported the Year 11 prom raffle at the coffee morning today! 

We raised a whopping £139!


The draw took place at the end of the event, winners are as follows:

  • Carrot cake - Sarah 11R ( this prize was kindly donated back to school from Sarah’s…
9 Sep

First week back in 11G

Welcome back everyone. We hope you’ve all had a lovely summer.


WOW, Year 11 already! It has been lovely to see everyone back in class this week and to hear all of the wonderful things that they have been up to over the holidays.

We have had a busy and fun filled week this week. We have…

15 Jul

11g last few days

What an end to a great time at Astley Park School.

We celebrated by getting our shirts signed, yes we were allowed to write on each other’s shirts.

Then the final day arrived,  after sausage butties for breakfast at school. We had a few tears but happy ones. We all had graduation gowns…

8 Jul

11g at The Flower bowl

11G have a great time at The Flower Bowl. It was our very last end of year trip in Astley Park School. We had an amazing day which started with a ride in the school mini bus, when we arrived we played Crazy golf, had a chippy lunch then ten pin bowling . We where that tired, that some of us fell…

1 Jul

11g celebrate prom 2022


Oh my goodness ! 

We have had the best time ever. 
We had a party at school, put on our best suits and dresses, had our hair done . 
Had professional photos taken. Fantastic ride in a big white limo. Followed by an amazing meal at Shaw Hill . Then danced the night…