22 Sep

11R - On the move back to school

Wow what an energetic first few weeks back for our class. We have been learning about the different coloured zones and how we may feel in each of them. Furthermore Mrs McDonnell has had the class working out with various movement exercises. The class joined in some boot camp style fitness and also…

19 Sep

11R - Group B - What a busy few days

What a busy few days we have had!

Our amazing plans for our Green Zone bags have been completed and our bags are looking fantastic. We have worked really hard on thinking about what we need to do to keep or move into the Green Zone and have tried a range of different activities to see if these…

4 Sep

Welcome Back to 11R B Group

This week we have been Working on our Covid story and thinking about things we enjoy and things we found challenging during lockdown. We are going to use our ideas to make a presentation to share with our friends.

We have also been doing lots of different activities around the Zones of…

19 Jul

Summer Six Star Challenge

Hi Everyone 

We have loved seeing you all joining in so well with our challenges and earning your stars and certificates. You have until September to complete this challenge. We hope you have lots of fun. Please add photos to evidence for learning and tag parent tag- Six Star Challenge.…

17 Jul

Summer Holiday Video Offer

It’s the holidays!

Thank you so much for all your hard work and engagement with our learning videos on our YouTube channel over the last few months. It has been wonderful to see so many photos and videos of pupils taking part in activities both at home and in school. Some of you will now be…

13 Jul

Six Star Challenge week 5 photos and awards


A huge well done to everyone for completing last weeks challenge. We have some budding photographers in the making. The emails you have sent are brilliant and to see so many of you keeping healthy by drinking more water and taking on the squats for 1 minute is amazing. Your counting skills…

13 Jul

Six Star Challenge - Week 6


Well done to everyone taking part. 
Remember complete all 6 stars for a gold award, 5 stars for a silver award and any star for a bronze award. Please send your photos to class teachers or put them in our evidence for learning app with six star challenge tag. 
Keep up the good work! 

10 Jul

11R Celebrate their time at school

This week pupils returned to school to celebrate their time at Astley Park. 

Over the two days pupils made keyrings, painting rocks, decorated ties for a game of pin the tie on Mr Welsh. We played party games, shared our favourite memories. pupils shared an afternoon tea and popped party…

10 Jul

Saying goodbye is never easy

This week we have celebrated the journey of each year 11 pupil at Astley Park School. 

Some journeys have been longer than others but one thing for sure is that each journey has been unique. We have shared many memories and laughed at our experiences. 

We finished our celebrations by…

10 Jul

11R Leavers 2020

On our last day in school we got full use of the green screen to create our own photo booth. 


If we can't hug our friends for real lets do it through a bit of photo magic.




6 Jul

Six Star Challenge - How to squat

Mr Murphy has made a video to help show you how to squat for a star on our challenge this week. 
Six Star Challenge Team


6 Jul

Six Star challenge week 5 photo's


What a fantastic week. We have loved watching lots of videos of you singing and signing. Also lots of creativity in your pebbles and natural pictures. I'm sure your parents and carers appreciated you helping them with the washing up. There has been lots of amazing counting of cyclists and…