19 Jun

Sports Week 2020

We are excited to announce the details of this year’s Sports Week that all of our learners can take part in whether they are learning at home or in school.

What we will be doing

  1. There will be six sports challenges to complete across the week. The challenges are: Warm up, Throw, Catch or…
17 Jun

Lunchtime Lego Club

Hello everybody and welcome back to our Lego Lunchtime Club.

When we were last in school we had lots of fun making lots of different models with Lego and I have come up with an idea for you to do at home. This week at Astley Park we are thinking about rainbows so I would like to challenge…

15 Jun

Six Star Challenge Week 3

Happy Monday!

Here is this week's 6 star challenge.  We'd love to see as many pupils as possible get involved.

Remember if you try all 6 challenges you get a gold award certificate, trying 5 challenges wins you a silver award and you will receive a bronze award for trying 4…

10 Jun

Six Star Challenge - plank position demonstration


We just thought we would share a video to show you how to do a correct plank exercise from Mr Murphy. It's fantastic to see so many of you trying these new challenges, keep it up.

A new challenge will be published each Monday for you to achieve your stars that week, this week is week 2.…

10 Jun

11R Focus their breathing

Breathing is a great way to focus the mind. It can stop unwanted distractions and help us to concentrate on what is important. 

Try this:

  • Stand or sit for this activity.
  • Put both hands on your belly.
  • Close your eyes, or look down to your hands.
  • You may like to count “1, 2, 3” for…
8 Jun

Six Star Challenge Week 2


We had an amazing response to last weeks challenge and would love for even more pupils to join us this week.

Remember If you achieve 6 stars you get a gold award, 5 stars for a silver award and 4 stars for a bronze award and you’ll get a shout out in our star of the week assembly!


5 Jun

11R Learning from Home Summer 2 Wk1

This week pupils were challenged to complete 'All About Me' documents and/or videos to be passed on to their colleges. Well done to those who did this. I have forwarded these and spoken with your future tutors. They are very excited to be working with you. 


Learning from home isn't all…

5 Jun

11R - Rainbows and Positivity

We've had a busy week in 11R. We've talked about our feelings and what we can do to help ourselves if we are feeling worried. We have practised "Take 5 breathing" and had a go at meditation - Cosmic Kids Rainbow Waterfall which made us feel calm and ready to work. We talked about different…

3 Jun

11R Find A Field of Dandelions

In a world of uncertainty like we are currently in we need to look for the positives. This weeks mindfulness activity is for you to fill a jar of dandelions and for each dandelion you place in the jar, think of something positive about moving on to college. It may be that you are excited to meet…

1 Jun

Happy Sweet 16th Clare!

We would all like to wish Clare a fantastic sweet 16th! 

We hope you have a day filled with lots of presents, cake and celebration and a year of happiness and health. 

Be sure to send in some photos! 


Lots of love from all of us in 11R!

28 May

Happiness Jar

Mental health…. It’s something we all have, sometimes it’s good and sometimes not so good.

In class we are very good at talking about our Mental Health and trying to address any concerns we might be having.

Unfortunately, the situation we are in at the moment has stopped all that.

So, at…

27 May


Hi everybody,

Would you like to take part in an exciting competition as part of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month? Take a look at the competition below. If you take part, make sure you send Mrs Crouch a copy of your entry (crouchm@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk) as well as emailing it over to…