28 Jan

11R Valentine's Day Pillow Enterprise

11R have been learning how to sew this term. We have hand sewn and now managed to master a sewing machine (supported). Pupils have made the cushions seen in the images, these are filled with lavender and love heart sweets. We are now planning on selling them for £1.50 from 3rd February - 14th…

27 Jan

KS4 work with Lancashire Community Police on Online Safety

KS4 classes worked with our local PCSO today discussing how we can stay safe online. We watched videos and compared what we do in person to what we do online. 

The aim of this workshop is to help pupils learn what to question when accessing the internet. To better prepare themselves when…

23 Jan

11R Get back to Chorley In Bloom

This morning we made our hot chocolates in our flasks and heading up to All Seasons we our garden nursery is located.


We planted beetroot, broad beans, trees and put a netting over the bedding planters to keep the seeded areas safe.


We discussed what our plans are for the next few…

22 Jan

11R Recycle 4 School

The box has arrived! 

11R have made a great start to sorting out your generous donations so far! 

Thank you very much if you have sent items in. Please keep the donations coming!




16 Jan

11R begin to look at the meaning of Prayer Flags and the 4 Nobel Truths

Today year 11 learnt that each colour of the Buddhism Prayer flags are to support Buddhist in living a better life, a life without anger, jealousy, ignorance, delusion and pride. We then made our own flags.


This afternoon we looked at the four sights that the Buddha saw which lead him to…

15 Jan

11R Make Prayer Beads

Our Buddhism artefact table is becoming increasingly busy now. 


Pupils took part in a hide and seek information activity learning different information teaching them the significance of prayer beads within the Buddhist faith.


We then used our maths skills to count the correct…

14 Jan

11R Learn About Vesak

This morning 11R took part in a meditation session, focusing on Buddha with intense burning in the background. Pupils followed a guided relaxation video helping us to set stress and relax. This is a practice often carried out in the Buddhist religion. We ended the meditation with a feelings circle…

13 Jan

11R Look at Buddhism for World Religion Week

What a great start to Religion Week!


We started the day with a Padlet exercise saying what we know about the Buddhist religion and thinking about what we would like to learn.


We learned about the birth of Buddha and had a Kahoot! To follow. 


We also looked at a time of…

18 Dec

11r Christmas activities

We have had lots of fun making Christmas decorations.

17 Dec

11R Consider How To Surf Safe

This week we have been looking at different scenarios which, we may face over the internet. We had quite a good discussion with a range of suggestions from pupils.


We then created some ‘Surf Safe’ posters to advise people on how to stay safe online.


Well done team you were…

5 Dec

More Christmas Activities For 11R

Yesterday pupils painted plant pots and decorated them in Christmas themes. We took these pots with us today when we went to Chorley In Bloom and filled them with Holly, ivy and Berries. we decorated them to our own personal style.


After completing our pots we had a well deserved flask of…