16 Mar

Year 11 Sponsored swim

On Thursday 31 March our Year 11 pupils and some staff will be taking part in a Sponsored Swim- We have been practicing and perfecting our swimming techniques over the last few weeks at Brinscall Swimming Baths!
And also collecting sponsors from our families and friends! We are swimming as a…

11 Feb

Safer Internet Day at Astley Park

This week classes have been focusing one staying safe online. 


We have had a range of activities going on throughout the whole of school. Making friendship potions and learning and comparing physical and virtual friendships. Videos commentary on what to do in online situations. (YouTube…

9 Feb

Chinese New Year in 11R

To celebrate Chinese New Year class started by learning about the legend of the monster named Nina who would attack the villagers. The monster was afraid of loud noises, bright lights and the colour red. We discovered this is why fireworks and dragons play a huge part in celebrations of…

8 Feb

Happy Safer Internet Day - One for the Grown Ups!

All Fun and Games? Exploring Respect and Relationships Online 


The best way to support our children online is to take an interest in what they are doing.

Here are some posters which may help start some conversations with your child. What should we be looking out for in the gaming world,…

24 Jan

World Religion Week


We have had a fantastic week at Astley Park celebrating World Religion! Pupils have participated in a range of activities across Key Stages and pathways focusing on the 6 major religions. Governor, Mr Maher even came to visit and see all of the wonderful, memorable activities taking…

20 Jan

10R Derian House Charity Shop Donation Request

Today 10R did posters for our community action for Derian House in the local community to give to the charity shop so they can give nice things to the children to use.

The above blog information was written by 2 of our pupils. Well done team. 

On Monday 24th January 10R will be collecting…

17 Jan

Online Gaming and Relationship

As we get closer to Online Safety Day 2022, we are beginning to look at gaming and the dangers for our pupils around being engrossed in such a hobby.


On Tuesday 8th February school will be looking at gaming and the relationships involved with such an activity. Pupils will be taking part in…

3 Dec

First Signs of Christmas in 11R

This week we have had our first taste of Christmas activities. Firstly some pupils visited Runshaw College where they made some gingerbread and other festive treats and had a look around the facilities. Then class visited Four Seasons Leisure Centre to visit the gym where they worked out using the…

30 Nov

St Andrew’s Day in 11R

Today in 11R we have learned so much about St Andrew the patron saint of Scotland. We started with word searches and crosswords which introduced us to some new words. Then we watched the story of St Andrew and did some guided reading from a Powerpoint. Some of us did a sequencing activity to help…

24 Nov

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!

On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…

19 Nov

11R - One kind word, good CLEAN fun making soap and a birthday boy.

Another busy week in 11R. With this week being friendship week, we started off with odd sock day on Monday. The students have spent time this week thinking about this year's friendship week theme "one kind word." We spent time discussing the difference between bullying and banter with staff and…

11 Nov

Children in Need - Together We Can

Children in Need has been celebrated across the whole school this week in various different ways suitable for all our learners! 

Please enjoy our lovely pictures below of the activities that have taken place! 

In addition, a special thanks to all our Star Staff Bakers who took part in our…