25 Feb

Different Families, Same Love in Rowan

This week in Rowan class we have been celebrating ‘Different Families, Same Love’. 

We listened to a story ‘The Family Book’ and learnt about different families. We talked about who lives in our houses and what we love about them. 

On Tuesday Mrs Carney did an Attention Autism session and we…

25 Feb

Chestnut Class go on a Bug Hunt

This week in Chestnut Class, we have been reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

We have enjoyed making our own caterpillars, exploring the fruit that the caterpillar ate in the story, counting the fruit, and having fun in our sensory story tuff tray. We even went on our very own bug…

25 Feb

We are all Different in Chestnut Class and That is Great!

This week at Astley Park School, we have been looking at we have been celebrating diversity within our families entitled ‘Different Families, Same Love’.

In Chestnut Class we have been looking at our family books and pictures of our families.

We then saw our friends on our video call and…

12 Feb

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Today Willow class celebrated a special day- Daniel’s birthday! Daniel is 11 tomorrow so we had an early birthday party in class today to have a lovely time with friends before half term when Daniel can celebrate with his family.

We all played musical statues and Daniel asked to be the party DJ…

12 Feb

A fabulous end to Spring 1 in 7A

7A have really impressed the staff team this week with their hard work, kind words and team spirit! 

In our My Thinking and Problem Solving lessons this week we practiced our number skills with Mrs Fisher. We also took part in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and had some fabulous discussions…

12 Feb

10G smashed another lockdown!

Wow 10G. We made it to half term. We have all been learning from home this half term. It has been very strange but we have enjoyed still being able to see each other four days a week on our TEAMS calls and understand that we need to stay safe at home. We have all had another busy week this week.…

12 Feb

Beech class explore Valentine’s Day activities

We have explored pink and red paints making some lovely paintings. We enjoyed our strawberry and cream sensory tray with marsh mallows and sprinkles and some lovely pink foam. Well done. 

Mrs Barrand, Mrs Banks, Ms Goonan, Miss Holden. 

12 Feb

Chestnut Class Superstars

What another busy week for Chestnut Class!

We have been carrying on with our beach theme in Class. We have all been busy building sandcastles, making huge ice-creams from different materials and decorating them, pretending to be crabs and click-clacking with instruments, and making handprint…

12 Feb

9R Fabulous Friday

At lunchtime on Friday we pushed the tables together and ate our lunch. Miss Troughton, Miss Zara and Mrs Cobham brought some things for us to try. We tried some different cheeses - Lancashire, Wookey Hole Cheddar, Brie and some amazing Snowdonia Red Storm and different crackers. We even had a…

12 Feb

Six star challenge superstars!

Wow. We have so many superstars in Astley Park School. You all did such a good job at completing this weeks 6 star challenge. This weeks challenge included: doing a Joe Wicks workout, trying meditation, drawing the shapes you find in your lounge, writing a thank you card to your families for all…

12 Feb

8Rs week of friendship and happiness

8R have been super busy this week. We’ve looked at internet safety, how we can keep happy and help our friends too and we’ve got crafty for Valentine’s Day!


On Monday this week we explored internet safety and why this is important to us. We discussed what information should be shared…

12 Feb

A Love-ly Week in Maple Class

Maple Class, both at home and in schoo,l have enjoyed learning and exploring all things Valentine this week! Scarlett has been decorating heart biscuits, sponge painting hearts and has been on a heart treasure hunt! Harry and Lottie have been working hard at home too with Grandma, and enjoyed…