29 Jan

9R - More snow, but where did it go?


What a surprise to wake up to on Monday morning - snow!!! At lunchtime Michael and Rebecca had great fun throwing snowballs at each other and at Miss Zara and Mrs Cobham. The snow was still there on Tuesday but we couldn’t have another snowball fight as it was too icy. We’ve been learning…

29 Jan

11R - Clean up the environment

As part of our ASDAN work we have been talking about ways in which we can improve the environment. We decided that it would be a great idea to clean up the wooded area at school. The class discussed what they would like to do with the area and came up with some amazing ideas such as planting…

29 Jan

Happy Birthday to Joseph in Willow class!

This week Willow class has celebrated another birthday- Joseph turned 11!
We celebrated with a party in class playing musical statues, pin the tail on the donkey, pass the parcel and musical chairs! Your teachers spotted that some of you were using the zoo dance moves we had learnt in my…

29 Jan

Little Farmers in Chestnut Class!

It's been another busy week for the Chestnut Class children. Lets see what our home learners have been up to ...

Austin has been developing his fine motor skills doing lots of fun activities, such as playdoh gym. 

Bobby has been getting busy in the kitchen baking yummy cakes!!

It has been…

29 Jan

10G’s Wonderful Work!

10G have had another great week working from home. We have got to see each other lots this week on all of our TEAMS calls and did a fantastic job with working out what items roll, slide, bounce or don’t do any of the options during our science experiment. We also had a great time with Mr Murphy…

28 Jan

10R learn about Judaism

As part of our work for World Religion work 10R have been learning all about Judaism.  In our teams call on Tuesday we read a news article written by Mrs Woods all about synagogues and then completed a quiz about what we had read.

Students then wrote their own article about the opening of a new…

28 Jan

It's a baby!

This week Rowan class say a very big thank-you and goodbye to Miss Connolly, as she heads off on her maternity leave. 


Miss Connolly will be missed by all in Rowan class, we wish her all the best and we cannot wait to hear when the little one arrives.


Please send us some…

26 Jan

8G celebrate World Religion Week

8G had a great week celebrating World Religion Week amongst lots of other fun activities.

We learned about Buddhism, and enjoyed making pictures of Buddha with tissue paper and chalk - they were so good that we’ve put them up on the wall outside our classroom so everyone can admire them.


26 Jan

Happy Birthday Sian!

Today is Sian’s birthday.

Sycamore have had lots of fun helping Sian celebrate her special day. This afternoon we have enjoyed dancing, games and yummy chocolate cakes for snack. 

I am sure all of Sian’s friends at home will join us in wishing her a very special and very happy…

26 Jan

Week 3 of Spring 1 10G

10G have been very busy this week. We all enjoyed seeing each other for morning group and talking about our weekend news, talking about some very exciting lessons we will be having with Mr Murphy every Wednesday afternoon, taking part in a maths quiz and making a cup of tea and toast for ourselves…

22 Jan

Happy Birthday Alex

Happy Birthday Alex. Everyone in 10G hopes you have a super day tomorrow and really enjoy yourself. We can’t wait to all be together again soon (and be able to take new pictures). Have a great time.

From everyone in 10G

22 Jan

9G Learning at Home and World Religion Week - Week 2

It has been another busy week for everyone in 9G this week both at home and at school! Let's take a look!

Learners in School

We have been so busy doing lots of work around our topic Let's go the movies, and learning about Buddhism as part of World Religion week. 

We have been focusing on…