22 Jan

World Religion Week- let’s learn about Judaism!

Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Judaism. Joseph in Willow class helped Miss Riley to create this blog by reminding of key words and choosing which pictures to add. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.

What is Judaism?

Judaism is a…

22 Jan

8R’s world religion week - Buddhism

This week 8R have done some super work looking at Buddhism for world religion week.

We discussed the story of Buddha and how he had helped people change into better people and looked at what beliefs the religion has.

After this we listened to the story of Angulimala and discussed the advice…

22 Jan

Maple Class - Spring 1 Week 3

As part of World Religion Week, Maple Class learners in school have been exploring Holi, an ancient Hindu festival also known as, 'The Festival of Colours'.  We have been exploring sensory materials such as different coloured lentils and rice, completing coloured jigsaws and puzzles and…

22 Jan

Spring Week 4 in 7A

Hi 7A

What a full fun packed week we have had in school and at home.

On Monday, Mrs Fisher was teaching maths. Some of the children in school was working either on numicon shapes up to 10, different number bonds to 20 and practicing 2 times table and dividing by 2. 7A also played a number…

22 Jan

11R learn about Judaism

This week in 11R we have been celebrating world religion week and have been learning all about Judaism. We have taken part in TEAMs calls with our remote learners so that we could all find out about Judaism together. Logan, Ryan and Steven were happy to see their friends and it was wonderful to…

22 Jan

World Religion Week - 6 Star Challenge

We hope everybody has had lots of fun learning about their class religion in our World Religion Week activities.


This week we have had lots of photos and videos shared with us of everybody at Astley Park completing our very special World Religion Week Six Star Challenge. Your teachers and…

22 Jan

9R Research Buddhism for World Religion Week


We watched a PowerPoint about Siddhartha Gautama who lived in a palace but chose to leave and see what was outside the walls. He sat under a tree and thought about things - he became known as Buddha. We all used book creator to make a fact book about Buddhism and then used what we found to…

22 Jan

Oak Explore Holi, The Festival of Colour

In Oak Class we have really enjoyed celebrating World Religion Week with our friends at home. Miss Curry read us all the story of the Holi festival on our Teams call this week and Isla, Harvey and Toby used some really colourful powder paint to spell out the word Holi using a sieve. It was really…

22 Jan

9R Tanks, Trenches and TEAMs

Another busy, busy week in 9R, we’ve had lots of fun and learnt lots of new things. We’ve listened to a story called One Boy’s War read by Mrs Cobham, a true story about a young boy called Sydney who went to war and never returned. The story is on the school you tube channel for you to watch. We…

22 Jan

World religion week- Willow class explores Hinduism

What a busy week for Willow class!

This week was world religion week and our religion to explore was Hinduism! We looked at two Hindu celebrations- Divali and Holi. In class we learnt about the story behind Divali, the story  of Rama and Sita. We learnt why it is called the festival of light…

22 Jan

Chestnut Class Explore Colour

This week in Chestnut Class our theme has been 'The Countryside'.

In class, Alex has been counting of all our farm animals and sorting big, medium, and small.

We have all been getting musical and enjoyed singing ‘Old Macdonald Had A Farm’ during what's in the box. LeBron did really well…

21 Jan

Miss O’Connell turns the big 50!!!

Today Miss O’Connell celebrated a very special birthday. She has reached a milestone birthday of half a century and received lots of gifts to help her celebrate her 50th birthday. She told us she had the best day ever in our 8R bubble and enjoyed some cake at the end of the day. I’m sure you will…