7 Apr

Holiday Heroes Group 3!

Our senior group had an action packed 3 days in Holiday Heroes.  

We have had lots of fun in school taking part in different activities such as arts and crafts, baking, board games, playing games on the Nintendo Switch, riding the scooters in the hall and imaginative play. We enjoyed spending…

1 Apr

10R Celebrate Easter

10R had a crackin’ time today on an Egg Hunt around school!


We enjoyed doing several Easter themed activities today.


We would like to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER!

1 Apr

A “cracking” week in 9G

This week has been a busy week with lots of Easter activities.

On Tuesday some of us sequenced the Saving Easter Story that Miss Grant read out to the class. Others decorated pictures of eggs and played a Saving Easter board game. There was some ‘cracking’ counting during the game, great…

1 Apr

Beech class final week of spring term.

For our final week of term, we have been focusing on our personal learning goals. We have practiced turn taking games, matching objects to images, exploring sensory trays, and using our PECs.

Super job everyone! Hope you have a lovely Easter holiday.

1 Apr

The end of Spring for 7P

7P have had such a busy last few weeks of the spring half term. 

We have celebrated World Epilepsy Awareness day and World Autism Awareness. 

We have continued with our time work showing that we can read o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and some of us even 24 hour…

1 Apr

Money magic maths & Eggstravagant Easter crafts !

This week the children have done some magnificent money work in maths. The children used role play to work in small groups visiting the shop, selecting games and items of different amounts . Each child had £10 to spend , when selecting items from the shop they was able to work out weather or not…

1 Apr

10G Wrap Up Spring Term and Look Towards an Exciting Summer Term

What a super term in 10G.

We have worked so hard on our job roles in Café at the Astley. We have learned how to cook toast, croissants, waffles, bagels, hot cross buns and crumpets. We have undertaken roles such as, clearing, tables, washing up, drying up, collecting bowls and plates, moving…

1 Apr

Happy Easter Rowan Class!

Rowan Class have enjoyed a lovely last week of the Spring term, exploring Easter.

We have made Easter nest cakes, Easter cards and Easter baskets (which had a chocolate egg in this morning!). We have planted cress heads and enjoyed an Easter sensory story. We then created some amazing sentences…

1 Apr

World Epilepsy Day in Chestnut Class

Last week Chestnut Class helped to promote awareness of World Epilepsy Day by attending school wearing purple. In 2008, eight-year-old Cassidy Megan from Canada decided she wanted to help raise awareness for people with epilepsy and to make sure no one affected feels alone. She named her idea…

1 Apr

Easter Fun in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have had a wonderful time celebrating Easter. We have enjoyed a sensory story, “We’re going on an Easter Egg Hunt!” We had to make our way through the swishy, swishy grass, through a field of colourful flowers (confetti drop) through the mud (hot chocolate and water mix) and river…

1 Apr

Year 11 Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone who took part in yesterday’s Sponsored Swim!
We swam a total of 139  lengths of Brinscall Baths- Mrs McShane joined in and swam 10 lengths taking our total to 149 lengths!
Thank you to everyone who have supported this event - raising vital funds for our end of school…

31 Mar

Saturday Run in The Park


Chorley School Sports Partnership Astley Park Run 26th March 2022.

After being prepared to train each week at school, the day of the run at Astley Park arrived for Alex, Mason, Noah and Alex M. Their Challenge was for each to compete in the run, represent APS and finish without stopping…