3 Mar

Willow Class - World Hearing Day 2023

This morning half of Willow class participated in Circle Time activities surrounding ‘World Hearing Day’. We learned that people who struggle to hear are called ‘deaf’. We discussed different ways we communicate and what it means to be ‘deaf’. It was lovely to hear Willow class sharing their ideas…

3 Mar

World Book Day in Willow Class

Willow had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating World Book Day in class. We saw a mixture of characters and own clothes - some of us even enjoyed dressing up with props and teacher costumes!


Across the day we explored different activities celebrating stories. We learned a new dance linked…

28 Feb

What a busy week back after half term for 8A!!

Well after our half term break 8A got straight back into our community visits and swimming lessons. This half term on a Monday and Tuesday we have cancelled our lunches and we are going for lunch to Seven Seas Fish and Chip shop in our community groups. Both groups really enjoyed their lunches and…

25 Feb

9As Pancake making

9A cooking activity this Tuesday was of course pancakes!


Miss Buck spilt the class into two halves. 


One group joined Ms Carter and Miss Howarth in the food tech room. 

They had to read the instructions about how to make a delicious pancake. 

The learners weighed out the…

24 Feb

10G Welcome Back after Half Term!

Happy Friday to you all at the end of our first week back in school for Spring 2 half term. We feel like this week has flown and like we’ve never been away!

On Monday we were back at swimming for the first time since before Christmas. We are still going to Hindley Swimming Pool in Wigan for our…

24 Feb

11R Enjoy Chorley in Bloom


We arrived at The Hub, we managed to miss the rain and arrived there nice and dry. A young man called Zak was helping Iris and David. He was very knowledgeable. He explained what we were going to do and showed us different kinds of bulbs. We also got to smell the garlic bulbs some of us…

24 Feb

Pancake Day in Willow Class

This week Willow class explored pancakes during our kitchen safety activities. In our groups we identified hazards and risks making pancakes in the kitchen and what would be safe choices, if we were cooking pancakes. 

We had fun practicing flipping cold pancakes, discussing how we needed to be…

24 Feb

11G Spring 2. Week 1

We all came back to school refreshed after our break and had a busy week back. We shared our holiday news with our friends on Monday. 

On Tuesday we celebrated pancake day by starting the day off with pancakes for breakfast.

On Wednesday afternoon we started our new ASDAN Topic Parental…

23 Feb

Beech Class Had A Flipping Great Pancake Day

On Tuesday, Beech Class celebrated pancake day. 

We had a pancake themed sensory tray where we could sprinkle flour, make playdoh pancakes, and flip them in the pan using a spatula. 

Mrs Barrand made a messy pancake during Attention Autism!!! She used flour, milk, and cracked pretend eggs to…

21 Feb

International Day of Women and Girls in Science - Rowan Class

We had lots of fun exploring different science experiments today!

We used pipettes to mix colours, made fizzy explosions with vinegar, washing up liquid and baking powder and then went outside to make cola rockets!

We look forward to exploring other areas of science in future.

Well done…

20 Feb

International Day of Girls and Women in Science - Willow Class

Today Willow Class listened to the story “Hidden Figures” to celebrate International Day of Girls and Women in Science. We had a fantastic discussion about equality and some of us decided we would love to be astronauts! We all agreed that the Hidden Figures did a super job at ensuring planes and…

20 Feb

International day of girls and women in Science, Oak Class Experiment!

We have today celebrated girls and women of Science by carrying out our own experiment! During attention autism, Miss Howarth modelled the reaction of mentos in Cola. Pupils looked on in awe. Pupils then took turns adding mentos, the fountains produced were amazing! Pupils engaged in the activity…